Playing it in 2023 for the first time is a weird experience, especially since I first played the series back when it came out. On the one hand it's almost inevitably going to be less impressive than when everybody was raving about it back in the day, but now there's also nostalgia involved. What's more, what I found most interesting (and useful for future endeavors) was the understanding that playing a DLC long after the original game means there's been enough time for the cup of pleasure that carried the name of the original game to empty due to time and for there to be more room for enjoying the same old thing. Meaning, shouldn't play DLCs right after the original game because you're just gonna be a bit bored. Give them time.

And oh boy is this a good Bioshock game. Perhaps even my favourite out of them all. Small enough to not overlive its welcome, tight enough in its story and mechanics to feel like a tasty little package, and yet still long enough as well to not leave you feeling like you want more. And the little twist (that’s inevitable with any Bioshock game) doesn’t feel as preposterous as it sometimes does; I even quite liked it.

And to imagine, having finished this I was excited for The Burial at Sea DLCs (which I ended up considering either okay or outright bad). Oh well, at least there’s this.

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
