While I do like this game quite a lot, it's a bit crazy to me that this can be someone's favourite Mario with such limited movement and gameplay options. Something I love about Mario is the freedom of movement that you get, different options for jumping and leaping and diving and kicking you can traverse the same area in so many different ways. Galaxy takes away a lot of your freedom to give a more streamlined experience, which can be both good and bad. The levels and music and atmosphere and base gameplay are all still good, but it's missing that X factor to really lift it up for me. In a platformer movement is key, and this game doesn't do it as well as it should at this point in Mario's life.


I remember playing this at Sam's Club on the computers they had set up while my mom shopped for groceries and then we finally got a Dell Windows XP PC and it came installed on it up to the 3rd floor or something and I played those first 3 floors so many damn times. If I had known what Diablo was before age 16 it would have been over for my life.

Is it controversial to say this game is underrated? I honestly like this game more than Crash 3. It's brutally difficulty (mostly to 100%), a little slippery to control, but extremely charming and fun despite that. Getting every single gem in this game was one of the harder things I've done in a video game but it was so satisfying to complete. I think people often forget that this is just a really good platformer and a great start to a pretty (usually) amazing franchise. 2 and 3 just overshadow it due to sheer popularity after they took off but this game will always have a special place in my heart.

Easily the most "worth it" in terms of content for a rhythm game ever. The amount of tracks you get is incredible, the quests, the multiplayer, the dlc, it's all so much to do. I'll be picking this up to play for the next decade.

Who would have guessed the best game released in 2021 was a one where you clean houses and sometimes get texts from children calling you a poopy?

A fun game but definitely some massive growing pains. You can feel that it's essentially a mod of Resident Evil for better or for worse. Combat is fun but simple, story takes itself a bit too seriously but it's fun to view through a modern lens when you know where the series ends up going. Still worth playing just to see the growth past this, but I can't see myself ever going back to it. That being said, the scene where you get Alastor was the moment where I was fully into this franchise.

Playing this game in 2023 reminded me of why I love video games. Prior to this year I was feeling some pretty crazy burnout from games. Nothing coming out seemed interesting or fun outside of my usual stuff I was conditioned to buy, which were always fun but it felt a bit like going through the motions. My girlfriend was always gushing about Resident Evil being her favourite franchise and I had never really been particularly interested in it because I just never was much of a horror guy. But it was $5, people seemed to enjoy it and we could play it together so I went for it. Went for it I did. I didn't want to stop playing it, the atmosphere, the music, the mildly corny dialogue spruced up to try and be more serious, the fun puzzles, the panic of seeing a spider crawl down the wall the second I walk through a door, it was all what I had been missing. I was missing that perfect mixture of gameplay and atmosphere that I didn't even realize I was missing. There isn't a single bad thing I could say about this game, it's truly something else. I played through it maybe 5 or more times over the span of two weeks, sometimes an entire playthrough in one sitting. I hadn't done something like that since I was a teenager. I even did real survival with basically no issues! That final real survival run really solidified why I loved this game so much. Making me think and experience every room, every enemy, every boss really just let me absorb every detail so expertly crafted to give me this perfect experience. I think I need to start another playthrough tomorrow.

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A definite improvement on the original but a flawed game nonetheless. The updates to combat are extremely welcomed and make the game a blast to go through for the first time in over a decade for me. However any time that Genesis is on screen my eyes glaze over, I don't know how they could make such a boring antagonist. All the stuff with Zack and his relationship with Cloud is great, although unnecessary. The final act of the game not including any nonsense with tracking down Genesis is heartbreaking and still hits as hard as ever. It's a great game that I love to play through but they really need Genesis to talk way less.

One of my fave games of all time and also one of the most forgotten besides people quoting the dumb GDQ memes revolving around Tomba 2. I loved this game so much I beat it in like a week and immediately played through the entire thing again. Just go listen to "The Village of All Beginnings" and tell me you aren't instantly charmed.

Kind of a mixed bag honestly.

Crash 1 remake: better than the original in literally every way
Crash 2 remake: almost as good as the original but some glaring issues that bring it down a bit (mainly ice physics)
Crash 3 remake: original crash 3 wasn't great to begin with and this is about the same, you can tell all the effort went into Crash 1 and the 3 remake feels a bit more rushed than the others

super fun game with a story that shits all over the original ff7 and overexplains every single mystery that the original game had

it was really cool playing this game as an 8 year old and understanding literally 0 of the references while I played a weird game where a lizard tries to flirt with some apparently mildly famous hot girl I'd never heard of

I loved this game so much growing up, me and my friends played it every single weekend for hours on end and had so much fun. So of course I had the great idea of playing it with my friend a decade after the game's release just to see how it was. Game feels like trash to play and we only lasted about 3 matches before turning it off and deciding to never play it again. Subspace Emissary was cool as hell though and it's sad we'll never get something like that again.

literally everyone had a copy of this and not a single person liked it at all