I didn't really know what to expect from my first taste of survival horror, but something that certainly took me by surprise was how strong the throughlines are between this game and Demon's Souls, and by extension the entire Soulslike genre. Resident Evil's limited saves, combined with very finite resources that must be consumed to move throughout the space, produce a play pattern that clearly presages the progress from one bonfire to the next.

In both cases, a save represents a fixed set of resources with which you must try (often repeatedly) to push forward to the next save. RE gives you somewhat more control over when "the next save" comes, but you still have to weigh the risk of getting murked by a zombie against the value of completing one more task and saving your precious ribbons. This risk/reward calculus echoes through every Soulslike where you find yourself running low on estus, carefully determining whether to forge ahead down a new path to find the next bonfire or turn back and try for a better run after you rest up.

Reviewed on Aug 18, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Other miscellaneous thoughts:

This even has shortcuts back to the bonfire! There's nothing new under the sun.
I still don't love tank controls but fixed camera angles just don't work well without them, and the camera design here is so good it makes a compelling case for them.
I don't know if I would describe this as SCARY per se but I definitely did startle more than a few times.
Leaving a bunch of ammo and healing items right in front of the door to the credit sequence is a great joke.