When they brought GBA stuff to the Switch I decided to go into this for a nostalgia trip, and guess what: it’s good shit still! Some of the micro games can still be a little hard for me to figure out, but I love the vibes of this game a whole lot. I think part of the fun is seeing what goofy nonsense the game will throw at you next, and while I remember a lot of the microgames, some of them really took me by surprise. The music and the little storylines are also a delight, and I appreciated the inclusion of some classic minigames like the Mario Paint fly swatting minigame.

Speaking of side content, I filled out all the grids and was kind of surprised that specifically didn’t unlock anything, but that’s alright, I think, I still had fun. I’m sure there’s some further level of mastery I can aim for but eh, maybe some other time.

I suppose there’s something to be said about this kind of changing the trajectory of Wario’s game series, but i’ll admit to being a heathen and liking the Wariowares more than the platformers… I wouldn’t be averse to seeing the Warioware cast in a different kind of game or seeing the Wario Land characters folded into the Warioware games, though. That might be kinda fun! I wonder if they’ll bring Twisted! to GBA online? The cutscene art in this one seemed a little janky so I’d lok. to revisit that and see how it evolves, although that could just be that it looks weird at a higher resolution than the GBA…

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2023


1 year ago

Do you have the setting checked in NSO's GBA emulator to "look more like the original" or whatever? I think it's just a dot matrix filter, but holy crap does it look a lot better for the games I've played than the default setting. I haven't tried WarioWare on Switch yet, but I could imagine that setting clearing up some of the jank you mentioned.

1 year ago

Huh, you know, I’m not sure I actually tried any graphical settings for the GBA stuff yet, I mostly tried the Gameboy/GBC settings because people said they were nice. And they are even if you’re not allowed to pick the different preset color schemes the way you could for original gb games on the gbc/gba. (Trans rights color scheme best color scheme)