There's so much I can say about this game, but I'll keep it incredibly brief; this is one of the very few fighting games out there where I legitimately wanted to put the time into learning its entire roster.

Picked up the original game in around 2013, moved on to PS2 UM a few years later, and still playing now ever since the rollback update. I'm three characters away from being able to reliably win with random select.

I don't think I'll ever feel any less bad about being so late to appreciating SNK's games.

This game feels like a remake of an 80's arcade that doesn't exist. Constant pickups, one-hit deaths, defeating combos of enemies for higher scores, and bosses that don't have any I-frames? It knows what it wants to be, and it perfectly evoked the feeling of challenge and expectation of mastery like plenty of arcades before it. I suppose scoring high isn't necessarily everyone's thing, but it's hard not to recommend when it's so immediately enjoyable and short to begin with.

Love the graphics, love the controls, LOVE the boss battles; there's not really a whole lot of negatives I can think of besides wishing it was longer.

I've yet to give it another go on Hard which apparently has additional stages, but it really shouldn't take much time to finish even with that in mind.
Fuck that minecart stage though.

This game makes me feel like I'm a blind and tone-deaf klutz who only learned what a button was yesterday.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

The Fire shot is better than the Spread shot

That's it. That's my review. I loop this game on days I want to relax, so nothing I say would at all be unbiased; as you can probably infer from the other reviews this game has, "I play this to relax" is already a very strange take.

Original hardware doesn't have savestates, yo!

I don't think there's another platformer in existence that has a more satisfying final upgrade.

I'm weird, and I like this game more than its sequel.
I just think it's really charming for what it is, and accomplished a lot of what it set out to relatively well. I find myself going back to it just to experiment with different weapons in different places, and try out unorthodox strategies on purpose like running through Cut Man's stage with nothing but Hyper Bomb.

It's weird for sure, but it's a very solid first entry in this series and probably the best NES game to come out that year, if not the best game in general.

I would really like if score balls weren't an enemy drop, though....

I'm not usually an RPG guy. I loved this game so much, though; I couldn't put this one down, and when I caught myself replaying through a JRPG right after already having finished it, I'd thought I'd gone crazy.

I cannot believe how much this game does to innovate, especially at the time. The battle system is surprisingly intuitive, and levels never matter as long as you as a player are skilled. Which is always appreciated; you can find what works for you and stick with it.

The sheer amount of tricks, secrets, and alternate paths you can take in this game along with its relatively short length and non-linear chapter setup make it a lot more replayable than most RPGs, even today. Some chapters only take about 30 or so minutes to complete, which is blazingly fast... and while I can see that being a turn-off for some who might want a more involved story, I think it's great that you can just pick it up and play it. Helps that the music is incredible, and the stories are well-written! (for the most part)

The only reason this isn't a perfect score from me is because I thought the mecha chapter sucked. It didn't suck so much that I stopped playing the game, but.... man, if I picked that chapter FIRST, I wouldn't be here writing this review right now.

I prefer this version over the 2022 remake. While the sprites in the remake are nice and all, the animations being as long as they are seriously slow down the pace of the game. I LIKE that this game is fast, so that's a downgrade for me!

Sho is my favorite shoto character I've ever played in any fighting game. Ever. And I've played a LOT of fighting games.

I feel like you owe it to yourself to give this game a shot at least once if you're invested in the genre at all. Fightcade has it, it's getting a rerelease with rollback soon; now's a better time than ever.

lovely game. perfect game. incredible game. don't listen to the bad reviews of this game they're just being mean :(


I genuinely think that this is one of the best fighting games ever made.

The PC / Switch ports having local multiplayer is a godsend. I had so much fun playing this even in singleplayer sessions, but I can finally play it locally and show people why I love this game so much. Three fighting styles, three options for team composition, and every character has a mesh of some of the best moves they've ever had spanning their series' history. Very difficult game NOT to love, with just how flexible and immediately gratifying its gameplay is.

Unlocking things in the original version of the game was wack, though.

This game was unexpectedly incredible. I couldn't put this one down, I STILL go back to it over a year later.

This is the kind of game that has to be experienced a first time. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't finished it yet... and it's quite interesting that this is one of the few shootemups that you won't want spoilers for.

All I can say, though, is that even past the initial shock factor of just how unbelievably cool the game's high points are, this game has offered so much in the way of replayability through its multiple weapon combinations, two ships, and significantly more robust co-op than the majority of other games in the genre that it's gotten me wondering why it isn't always like this.
Between the incredibly distinct and beautiful presentation, the impressively well-made soundtrack, a surprisingly compelling plotline, and a certain weapon you get that turns the entire game on its head, the game wowed me the first time and kept me coming back for more.

I can't recommend it enough. This game is brilliant, and it's a fine choice both for newcomers and veterans of the genre alike. If you aren't already into shootemups, this is the game that's going to change that.

Really stoked for when that next update drops. I'll update my review to be more thorough when it does.

This game has one of the best soundtracks in the entire series. That's saying a lot.

As a racing game though, it's just aight. You got what you paid for with stuff like this, back in the day.

This game really blew me away by how immediately charming and fun it was. I just wish I knew what the hell anyone was saying.

It's a bit on the easy side, but it's just fun. You have your basic combos, a sweep kick, a chargeable projectile and a special move which varies between the two characters. Higher scores reward you with level-ups, which give you an extra hit point, and mayyyybe increase damage, I'm not sure. It's basic arcade fun, and I think the increased HP was more interesting than just giving the player an extra life or something.

What really kept me glued to this game wasn't its complexity, but just how fun it was to beat shit up; you were in no way limited to stopping in front of an enemy to finish it off, you could always just knock them into something else, keep them stuck to a corner while you wail on them, shove them into a stage hazard, or drop them into a pit. What this game lacks in complexity, it makes up for in combat freedom. And god, does it feel good. Co-op really tops it off, and the secret super moves that Co-op gives you are an EXTREMELY welcome addition!

This is actually one of my new favorite Super Nintendo games. You don't get to Shoryuken stuff in just any platformer.

Oh, and you can totally cheese half the game by just crouching before finishing your jab combo. It'll reset the chain and put you back on the first jab, so you'll never do the uppercut to knock them down. You just keep punching until the enemy in front of you dies. I'm not sure anyone played the game enough to know that, but... hey, it's a thing you can do! Reminds me of the exploits in Final Fight and Streets of Rage.

Jump attacks also are infinitely cancellable into themselves, so if you're next to an airborne opponent then the damage you can deal is directly proportionate to how fast you can mash. Crazy stuff.

This game gets so goddamn hard that I've taken almost an hour to beat just one stage before.

It's a puzzle game. That's a good thing.


I loved this game but hate its controller support.
My hands are way too shaky for mouse and keyboard controls, so I just used a key mapper to play the game before. I got very particular with how to work everything, and I was able to do just about as much as anyone else.

Once they added thorough controller support.... that autodetected when it's plugged in... and works with any controller, Dinput or Xinput.... my key mappings did not work. Actions that I had conveniently set up to 1 button now took up 2. Smart cursor wasn't an option anymore, it was a requirement; the game literally would not let me turn it off. The D-pad and analog stick do the same thing, for fuck's sake! No meaningful mapping options at all!

If they were going to take away so many of your options like that, they shouldn't have had controller support at all. :/

Oh well. I heard the update's great. I bought one of those Steam controllers that read as mouse and keyboard anyway, so I'll probably be able to pick it up again.