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stealthblade followed PKD2

7 days ago

stealthblade followed biaza

8 days ago

stealthblade reviewed Bloodborne: The Old Hunters
So if FromSoft's DLC is the best and Bloodborne is the best FromSoft game, it's easy to see that The Old Hunters is the best content out of all their games

10 days ago

stealthblade reviewed Bloodborne
Easily my favorite FromSoft title. I'm a sucker for Gothic horror, Lovecraft, and fast, stylish gameplay so Bloodborne is an easy masterpiece in my book. I'll certainly admit that some bosses and levels are hit-or-miss, but when the game is at its peak, it's absolutely immaculate.

10 days ago

10 days ago

stealthblade reviewed Doronko Wanko
Not bad! Has a fun playground vibe and makes good use of a Splatoon-esque paint mechanic. Wacky doggo time! I love the machine gun in particular!

13 days ago

13 days ago

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