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stovetop commented on stovetop's list Games That Watered My Lawn
@G0dot Gaiden did certain things that are krytponite to my tear ducts and theres some personal thing with 8 that really made things hit home. Honestly don't go in expecting crying material outright, just go in wanting to play some Yakuza. Even the worst Yakuza game is a good video game imo

15 hrs ago

stovetop commented on stovetop's list Sonic Game Ranking
@Yuzrnaime I don't wanna give you unrealistic expectations, but I really did have a lot of fun with Frontiers despite is issues. Adventure 2 is held in high regards for a reason though, and it aint nostalgia on my part either. I never had access to the game until 2018

15 hrs ago

15 hrs ago

16 hrs ago

16 hrs ago

18 hrs ago

stovetop earned the Famous badge

19 hrs ago

stovetop commented on VSLazer's list 30-Day Video Game Music Challenge
Really nailed the feeling of the Mario 64 credits

21 hrs ago

stovetop backloggd Katana Zero

21 hrs ago

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