Played as part of Atari 50.

Cool predecessor to the flash game Run, but the circular layout makes it pretty challenging to line yourself up and land in the proper place. It's a demoscene game, though, so it's got some built-in novelty.

Played as part of Atari 50.

2 frames a second Andy?? Pretty much entirely unplayable, whatever.

Played as part of Atari 50.

This port sucks lol. Why were people still making and buying shitty 2600 games in 89 when the NES had existed for years at this point lmao

Played as part of Atari 50.

The Legend of Zelda released 2 years earlier... but this is fine, I guess. Extremely simplistic but it's, like, a fine maze dungeon crawler. Extremely easy though

Played as part of Atari 50.

Metroid released 2 years earlier.

Played as part of Atari 50.

This released after Punch Out.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Incredibly impressive for the 2600, but it's obviously too ambitious for the hardware and winds up just being a much worse Star Raiders, released half a decade after Star Raiders.

Played as part of Atari 50.

It's Centipede. Again. After the very mild improvements that the Millipede games brought like the DDT bombs, it's really hard to give much leeway to a version of the game without them.

You know, I see Atari releasing the same 3 simple arcade games for every console, over and over again, and it's really easy to see why they crashed so hard, lol.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Another day, another Asteroids port. Same criticisms apply. It's the best a home port of this game has looked yet, but it's still the same okayish game underneath. Need to start really paying attention to these release dates, since they're still playing these nearly decade-old hits a whole year after Super Mario Bros released stateside, lol.

Played as part of Atari 50.

They put way too many enemies in this shit. Speeding the game up definitely wasn't the right choice here either, as it turns something that's kinda slow and strategic and positional, into a normal platformer with a really shitty jump. Cool name entry screen, though.

Sure, it's fine. YouTube shorts game.

Incredibly rewarding game that asks so much executional precision by the end, but is always fair.

(warning most of this review is actually about the Souls games, coming from someone who hasn't liked them so far and who also hasn't put more than like 4 hours total into the whole series lol)

When it comes to these sorts of skill games, I feel like I'm always going to prefer visually clean games that let you get immediately back into the action on a failure. Your obstacles are always 100% clear and every single mistake is immediately obvious and understood. There's no bloat, no wasted space or time, just pure execution.

I like to write them off a lot as a joke, but I do really think my tastes are just fundamentally incompatible with the Souls games as they currently exist. I am never going to enjoy a game that asks a lot of me, and then punishes failure with even as little as 2 seconds of waiting before I'm allowed to try again. When you're locked in, 2 seconds is a long fucking time and it will almost always knock you out of the zone.

And I feel like once you put these execution games into 3D, there's a million more things that can go wrong as far as visual clarity is concerned, and when every boss has different animations and attack patterns, it stops feeling like a challenge you can chip away at and slowly improve with. My go-to examples of mechanically challenging games that I actually like are usually Katana Zero and Celeste, but playing this I realize that it's not just the fast respawn, it's the clarity and total control that 2D offers (and also some 3D shooters, my explanation for including these would just be the same as this part of this Matthewmatosis video that explains why shooters got big during the switch to 3d so just watch that if you're interested).

Back to the topic, trying a level 40 times in Kurukuru Kururin is hardly out of the ordinary. Trying a boss in a souls game 40 times is, from what I understand, a nightmare and something you only get to if you're really having trouble with something. In Kurukuru Kururin, trying something 40 times and seeing that slow, incremental progress, getting just a bit further in the level each time, culminating in beating it? That's perfect, that's exactly what I want from games that ask me to "get good". I just don't see that happening for me with the souls games--given the time length of bosses, the actual mechanical difficulty is going to have to go down, and so the maneuvers feel less satisfying to pull off, and when you're getting knocked out of the zone every time you do make a mistake. Nightmare. "Get good" games should, ideally, maximize the amount of time spent on getting good at them, a loss is punishment enough. Kurukuru Kururin trims every single piece of fat, you're controlling a spinning rod in a maze, nothing more, nothing less, and in its simplicity it's definitely one of the best skill-based games I've played so far.

Played as part of Atari 50.

Oh, this one sucks. 8-directional movement, which doesn't sound like it's worth mentioning for a pacman clone, but you're not locked to the grid and need to fumble your way around the map trying to hit the hitboxes for all the "dots". The elevators similarly have annoyingly small areas and don't feel like you can stick yourself in them like you can with the arcade one. Maybe the first game in this collection that's invoked an actual face of disgust for most of the playtime here. Wasn't the biggest fan of the arcade version anyways, but it plays like fine art compared to this lmao

Played as part of Atari 50.

Thoughts are mostly exactly the same as the 2600 port, but the visuals are a bit better. Why didn't they enable trackball controls?

Played as part of Atari 50.

Mediocre 2600 port of an arcade game that I'm already not the fondest on. DDT bombs are nice to have but the variety of enemies is certainly overkill here.