I finally played Undertale in 2019 on Switch after hearing about it constantly for years. I didn't expect to like it, but i certainly didn't have a bad time.


I completed three playthroughs, Neutral then Pacifist then Genocide. I found Neutral to be a solid game, but not quite the life-changing experience I'd heard about. What most shocked me was how differently the game felt in dedicated Pacifist and Genocide runs. Playing Undertale as a pacifist is one of the most heartwarming, beautiful gaming experiences I've ever had, but I really wouldn't have appreciated it unless I had that Neutral, unguided playthrough first. I was constantly engaged by how the characters changed as you befriended them, and it legitimately made me want to be a kinder person IRL.

Then I played Genocide.

I wasn't prepared for how much shorter the game is. I was also unprepared for how much harder the battles got. I felt like the game was actually angry at me, punishing me for my cruelty. I can't say I enjoyed the Genocide run, but it was an incredible coda to a great game.

If you haven't played yet, make sure that you play this game three times. Play the first time without any outside influence, then look up how to do Pacifist and Genocide runs. Each time you beat the game will be completely different, and each is worth your time.

Reviewed on May 27, 2022
