I've unlocked everything in this game. I did each race as Winner-Take-All so I'd get the most money for upgrades, and I put them all on Bullseye Navior. And both as a kid and as an adult, I noticed something odd.

It's no secret that this game involves a lot of crashing and blowing up, with some characters energetically screaming "KABOOM" when they explode. The trick of this game has always been to get through the race quickly without blowing up, but the more you upgrade your pod (and the faster you get), the more fragile you become.

After a certain point, it's actually easier to win if your top speed is lower. It's sort of like 200cc in Mario Kart 8, in which acceleration and handling are MUCH more important than how fast you can go on a straightaway. In Racer, if you really get moving, you will blow up completely from glancing blows that would have only been an annoyance earlier in the game.

Now, this isn't necessarily a flaw, and I have no reason to think that it was not done intentionally. It really just requires you to git gud.

I think podracing is the coolest thing in the prequels, and I think this game is rad. It may feel punishing at times, but that really fits in with how dangerously podracing is portrayed in The Phantom Menace.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
