109 reviews liked by videogage

holy shit it's Trails of Cold Steel III II I IV!!!!

Once again I am quite let down for what it could have been. Hidden between all the bloat there is a story that has been running for like 6 games, here they finally converge to a grand crossover and it decides to utilize the bare minimum. The characters from previous arcs sure are here but it feels like they are consistently not. This is a problem I think applies to everyone in the C7 cast too (once again); everyone is present but they're sidelines to contribute the bare minimum apart from their one or two character bits then let Rean do everything. Like sure here, at least, I will cut it some slack because this is a Rean game and by the end he finally gets his conclusion with his dad, his sword master, and the central plot point. Which is good looking at his own character perspective but I just wish he wasn't so damn involved with every.single.character. Every single person somehow has to involve Rean in their dialogue even if the main focus seems to be someone else and it gets really grating after seeing his name pop up what feels like every other speech bubble. This continues to be true because the best thing about these games is whenever something DOESN'T involve Rean; examples like: Ash, Olivier, Jusis with Rufus, Fie with Rutger and Juna wanting to represent the SSS and few more but these moments stand out to me because their own character comes on display and that is what I value in these type of games and it's a shame they didn't do this for more characters.

On the positive side, the final portion of the game was good and exciting. We got some well deserved fanservice. The gameplay is still fun; They give you so many tools to break the game which is always appreciated, and choosing your favourite in the last cast to build is cool. The game also looks really good at some portions and they at least tried to make the dungeons look somewhat different. Now, the ending even though sappy and safe, I enjoyed it.

Adding another negative, the music in this totally blows which is sad because I enjoyed CS3's the most.

+ Fun gameplay still
+ Fanservice
+ Graphix
+ Really good when it's good

- Rean
- Bloat n pacing
- Sidelined characters
- Really bad when its bad

Overall: 3/5

Sonic the hedgehog 2 improves upon the first game to the point where this is a perfect game. All of levels are fun and memorable, the music is even better in this game than the first somehow, and the bosses are absolutely perfect.

On top of this, the level design is much better than sonic 1, there so many more routes to take and the world's just feel SO much bigger. Also, every boss in sonic 2 was very fun to beat, especially the death egg robot. I was stuck on this boss for an hour at least, you need to fight two very hard bosses back to back with ZERO rings, so it's a little hard.

Although despite it being extremely challenging I would be lying if I said that this boss wasn't one of the best in all of gaming history. I highly recommend this game to anyone and everyone, I hope sonic 3 continues this trend of being better than your predecessor but after playing this I highly doubt anything can top this.

I fucking love this game so much. It's the game that saved resident evil and each time I replay it I just appreciate that even more. Re7 is an absolutely perfect game.

For a start the music is phenomenal, it does an amazing job at getting a response from the player whether that's Fear, sadness, or curiosity. Also the gameplay in biohazard is top notch, it is fun throughout. This is largely due to its fun and innovative puzzles, great gunplay, and horror elements.

For me at least the worst part about re7 is the Mia portion on the ship. Now this is by no means a bad portion it's just slightly tedious at times with you having to go up and down all the time. Another fantastic portion of this game is the story, in my opinion it is one of the best in the series, while it loses me a bit at the end due to its more actiony supernatural elements it still makes for a fun time.

I think one of the main reasons for this is the games antagonists for a good chunk of the runtime, the Baker family. They get introduced first at the dinner table scene, showing their dynamics with one another and being a family were the player can already tell something is wrong with them. It's by the end of the game that you realise that the bakers were kind people until they were infected by eveline. Which makes them much more compelling 'villians' then Mr X or Nemisis because they aren't evil tyrants created in some lab, they are just a normal family who's minds have been corrupted inadvertently by their kindness.

I could ramble on for ages about this game but in short, it's a terrific game that is a good entry point for new fans whilst reviving the series for the old fans. I can not recommend this game enough, if you haven't played it already what the hell have you been doing for the past 7 years! (Side note: how the hell was 2017 seven years ago)

Pasqualina, you have to stop. You smoke too tough. Your swag too different. Your bitch is too bad. They'll kill you

Bro do you seriously expect me to find a guy with a triangle for a head scary? Mascot horror is such a joke

Playing Disco Elysium for the first time. This is like… literature or something. I like it.

Update: Sensing hints of commie bullshit

Funny that this game can be abbreviated as “Tits” cause I like it as much as tits (I am asexual)

0/10 game but 10/10 experience (by “experience” I mean seeing people post pictures of that Rean guy)

Haven’t played yet but he erased his deadname? I’m so happy for his transition

The hit rates are fucking awful, fuck you if you defend them