3 Reviews liked by yonkers86

Ahhh trails. The definition of a game I needed EXACTLY when I needed it. Moving cities, going to university, not having a single close friend nearby. Feeling isolated and extremely lonely and finding this game on sale for dirt cheap on GOG I decided to give it a whirl. During that period of time the cast of Sky 1-3 became a fill in for a lot of the loneliness I was going through to such a degree that whenever I replay the game the title screen is enough to reduce me to tears. Thanks trails for helping me get through one of the worst periods of my life.

A modern day tragedy, decent 2D platforming with decent variety hampered by some of the worst story shit imaginable.

i swear to god i watched 20 minutes of overly verbose pointless and unskippable cutscenes narrated by speech-to-text to play 30 seconds of perfectly fine platforming. What the fuck? What the actual fuck?