Alan Wake Remastered

Alan Wake Remastered

released on Oct 05, 2021

Alan Wake Remastered

released on Oct 05, 2021

A remaster of Alan Wake

Alan Wake Remastered is an updated version of the original psychological horror action-adventure game developed by Remedy Entertainment. The game retains the core narrative, which follows bestselling thriller novelist Alan Wake as he struggles with writer's block. He visits the small town of Bright Falls with his wife, Alice, in search of inspiration. Shortly after their arrival, Alice mysteriously disappears. Alan finds pages of a thriller novel he does not remember writing, with events from the manuscript coming to life. He faces supernatural entities called the "Taken," who are controlled by darkness. The remastered version features enhanced graphics and improved performance, but the gameplay and storyline remain consistent with the original, focusing on themes of reality, fiction, and the power of the written word.

Also in series

Alan Wake II: Night Springs
Alan Wake II: Night Springs
Alan Wake II
Alan Wake II
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Alan Wake
Alan Wake

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this is such a great game and i love its whimsy and world-building but man did it make me realise i am not good at video games: biting my controller each time i died for real😭

Alan Wake is an example of why Deadly Premonition worked so well despite it's obvious flaws. A soulless pastiche of pop culture fiction with nothing to say; plot is rushed and leaves few moments to get familiar with the setting and cast instead focusing more on endless references to other greater works instead of building it's own. The one thing Alan Wake nails is it's detailed environments; it's just a shame that most of the gameplay takes place outside town, in a forest which doesn't even utilize it's best aspect.

First impression of combat is good—it's fresh and fun with it's flashlight mechanic, but by chapter three you've seen all it has to offer. Combat encounters feel the same and it's over reliance on trickily spawning foes behind you gets tiresome, as do the sections with endless spawning. There's little weapon and enemy variation here and it doesn't help that for each chapter you lose all ammo and equipment. Later foes are more resistant to light so having a basic flashlight to deal with these guys sucks any enjoyment the unique combat has.

Alan Wake could been a better Deadly Premonition. It's life started as an open world game with day and night cycles, with side missions that focus on the setting and characters but instead what we got is a shell of a game with nothing of it's original design being left. Hell the entire flashlight system was added last minute because they wanted to use something from their scrapped lighting tech.

I beat the original game and came back for the remastered version. Extremely strange in the best way. Very unique atmosphere

I love the story and atmosphere (especially the second half) but man is the combat repetitive and weak. Also too much running through the forest in the first half of the game.

Jogo de saideira de 2023, Alan wake é uma franquia que eu realmente não sabia nada sobre até um mês atrás (apesar de que eu tinha o jogo no switch porque tava tipo 5 reais na eshop argentina kkk), apenas sabia que recentemente o segundo jogo havia saído e estava sendo muito bem recebido.

E então no TGA teve aquela apresentação de Herald of Darkness que foi simplesmente ????? e que me deixou insamente viciado na música, sério, eu tô ouvindo ela inúmeras vezes por dia, mesmo sua versão mais longa kkkk e por conta dessa obsessão não teve jeito, decidi entrar na franquia (pela versao de xbox porque a de switch ta bem cagada pelo que parece).

E olha, a história desse negócio é realmente muito boa, é um suspense que te deixa tenso o tempo todo, sempre criando mais perguntas, tem um storytelling muito bacana com o Alan narrando seus próprios eventos e achando também páginas proféticas que "spoilam" a própria trama e deixando você mais curioso com o que tá acontecendo. E o final então, entendo perfeitamente porque a galera ficou doida com o segundo jogo finalmente saindo kkkk que cliffhanger fodido.

O gameplay não é nada insano, é uma ideia bacana ter que enfraquecer os inimigos com a luz antes de poder abate-los, mas raramente tem algo realmente criativo com essas ideias (só mais nos capítulos DLC), e assim como no jogo dos guardiões as vezes o jogo se estende demais entre pontos de plot e parece que tu tá andando pra sempre kkkk mas ainda é divertido o suficiente pra não ficar chato pelo menos.

Realmente fiquei fascinado com esse universo e essa trama e vou explorar os próximos jogos da Remedy em seguida.