Reviews from

in the past

Paper Mario moderno pero bien hecho.

funee bugge game :3 :3 :3
very good, yay

Starting with the story, I liked it very much. The progression of the story and the characters felt very natural and organic. I liked seeing how the characters interacted with each other and the world as the story progressed. There were some parts that could have been fleshed out more, but the story was overall pretty good.

The combat took some getting used to. The fact that your stats barely change when leveling up was a bit odd. Your attack and defense won’t change unless you go out of your way to get something to do it. There is also no way to avoid taking damage, with your only option being to block or super block to reduce damage. Those 2 facts mean you are super reliant on items, which is a bit annoying.

The medal system is pretty cool and opens you up to try different medal combos to completely change how you battle, which I liked. While I thought some were too expensive or to specific, I liked using different.

100% completing the game wasn’t even too bad. There were just a few small things that were a bit annoying and required grinding, but that was expected. Most of it was still fun to do.

I also liked the art style and how it was inspired by Paper Mario.

If you like paper mario, you must play this game. The story is great, the characters are interesting, and I love the art style so much.

absolutely delightful, loved every second

Foi mal, mas eu não gostei tanto assim desse jogo...Acho que não é pra mim (apesar de ter interesse em jogar um dia Paper Mario). Agora, é visível a quantidade de amor e carinho que foi colocado aqui. Se você é fã de RPGs assim, recomendo!!

Maybe possibly probably most likely definitely the gayest video game ever made

A wonderful take on everything I loved about the Paper Mario games up to TTYD. Combat is fun, story is compelling, world is well done and explored, and characters are wonderful.

Something Something paper mario sucks now, Something Something play this game instead, Something Something I love bugs 🐛

... Maybe I just don't like RPGs like this.

I've never played Paper Mario 64 or Thousand Year Door, but if this game is anything to go by, I think I'd like it.

Vi Bug Fables, Send Tweet

A game inspired by paper Mário, but by the time you complete this you'll realize it takes the formula and makes it all its own. I'm a huge fan of this game and I'm sure Moonsprout will knock it out of the park again with their next game.

best game ever best ost ever

funee bugge game :3 :3 :3
very good, yay

Bug Fables shows why the early Paper Mario games were so beloved, giving us funny writing and engaging turn-based combat.

This is the best turn based paper mario

This review contains spoilers

Bug Fables is a really fun romp, the Paper Mario inspired visuals and the heavier focus on the worldbuilding and developing the characters in fun ways really makes for a really enjoyable experience.

Vi, Kabbu and Leif all are equally fun in different ways.

Vi is simple, lovable and while she might not have as much emotional angst as the other characters that helps balance the party out.

Kabbu is the best! I love how honourbound he is, but it seems like he struggles to keep that up during emotional moments.

Leif is dry, witty and reflective. Despite his quest being the most tonally different to the rest of the game it stuck out in a good way.

I generally enjoyed the combat, the action commands are satisfying to pull off, and getting a good medal composition can make your party unstoppable!

But I felt like the window for some action commands which involved rapidly pressing buttons wasn't long enough to fill the bar.

This game's biggest issues is that it's not built for platforming or stealth, those sections really frustrated me. Puzzles were a bit hit or miss.

Overall a very fun game! Highly recommend!

An adorable take on classic Paper Mario that manages to carve out its own identity.
Also, it takes place in a backyard and that's extremely funny.

A game that’s clearly following in the footsteps of Paper Mario while still managing to carve out its own identity in the process. The characters are deceptively good considering this is a game about insects. The music is banging, as well.

en general muy bueno, las inspiraciones son obvias pero bien implementadas, me gusto mucho las medallas en este juego, te dejan hacer builds muy variadas. algunas partes de la historia dan un poco de verguenza ajena, y algunos jefes no se sintieron lo mejor balanceados. fuera de eso, muchisimo contenido y estilo

Peak game, it's so charming, the world, atmosphere and each kingdom being related and having a story it's so cool, it's fun experimenting with medals to spice up the gameplay, lives up to be the spiritual succesor of PM:TTYD, que grandes los desarrolladores!!<3

this is must play if you liked Paper Mario. this is that and everything more that you never knew you wanted. three main characters are all intriguing and memorable. battle mechanics in some areas manage to be better than that of Paper Mario even.

i need to replay this game. I must've missed almost every side quest this game had on offer.

This is the perfect homage to Paper Mario in a modern game with modern mechanics.

A back-to-basics Paper Mario-inspired RPG with a great central cast and brutally tough combat encounters. The game’s balance can get too out of whack sometimes, but the intriguing world and excellent writing make this a game worth checking out.

Full Review:

Es un buen juego, aunque jugarlo me da más ganas de un Paper Mario como los de antes. Creo que Bug Fables por si solo ofrece cosas buenas, pero toma tantas cosas del Paper Mario que es dificil no comparar. Hay algunas cosas que Bug Fables hace muy bien como el combate, que parece ser más interactivo y estratégico, la historia también es increíble. Se me hace un gran logro que un juego indie llegue cerca a lo que es para mí uno de los mejores juegos de todos los tiempos, así que lo recomiendo :)

This game has so much life and charm poured into it and I love it very, very much. The protagonists all have excellent chemistry and work off of each other really, really well, and they’re easily the highlight of the game. The gameplay itself, however, is also very good; the combat is well-designed and the bosses especially feel good to fight against and that’s ESPECIALLY if you’re playing on hard mode (which you should if you can, by the way). The game looks and feels great and has so, so much to interact with and so much to do and I really can’t recommend it enough.