Reviews from

in the past

This is the only celeste installment where I didn't feel compelled to get all the strawberries. Still, a fun little challenge!

- - - stats - - -
8 strawberries
443 deaths

adding those spikes to the end was really fucked up. in my opinion

Uh oh, now I'm gonna need a full game featuring Lani. Really enjoyed the grapple mechanic and the puzzles that came from it.

DESAFIO: desenvolvedores de celeste tente fazer algo ruim(impossível)

"Hayır! Daha az zevkli bir mekanik niye koyuyorsunuz, vâr olanın üstüne eklesenize!"

İğrenç bir kanca atma mekaniğine sahip olduğumuz bu oyun zevkli değil, ölme ekranınında her yerin siyah sonra tekrar renkli olması sinir bozucu! Özellikle yeni kanca mekaniğinden zıplama her zaman aynı zıplama yüksekliğini vermiyor, en iğrenci de bu çünkü bu mekaniği çok sıkça kullandırıyor oyun bize, hayır sen zevkli bir oyun değilsin ve en fazla "Gameboy Color" oyunu olursun, kötü kokuyorsun!!

Tekrar yazıyorum, bu sefer oyunu yendim, bu yüzden oyunun dehşet kötü olduğunu değil, aslında ciddili güzel bir bölüm tasarımına sahip olduğunu düşünüyorum, hatta ve hatta tüm çilekleri toplayarak bitirdim, buna rağmen eğlendim!

it just makes me want more celeste man

Neat but I gel more with Madeline's gameplay. Also, some of the inputs required in this are really physically uncomfortable.

I love that they made a second one

a nice change of pace while playing through farewell :)

Worse than the original imo. The movement wasn't as precise. Still pretty good

Maybe it’s not as good as Celeste’s omni-directional dash, but Lani’s grappling hook feels like an idea ripe with potential. I obviously look forward to the team’s next game, Earthblade, but playing this game made me yearn for a full and refined game with Lani at its base.

really cant wrap my head around the movement in this game but its good just not the best celeste game

Celeste Classic but its cooler

Realised I never beat this one so just did that now, the grappling hook has some good uses in platforming but it's just way too dependent on pinpoint precision with momentum that it just got annoying by the end.

Secuela del primer Celeste Classic, que sigue el estilo minimalista que tenía el juego en su versión de Game Jam con una nueva mecánica, el gancho. No hay mucho que pueda decir, una retadora experiencia plataformera que puedes superar en 20 minutos, cuyo único valor rejugable es el speedrun. Si me gustaría ver una secuela del Celeste que todos conocemos utilizando esta nueva mecánica

Definitely an upgrade to the original Celeste Classic.
The grappling hook mechanics make for a fun twist and offer a serious challenge at times, so good luck if you're aiming to collect all strawberries.

I played a stupid amount of this whenever I was on the go and didn't have access to hardware powerful enough to play any actual games. The game does not have a big amount of content but imo it's perfect for what it is: a short, free to play browser platformer that is challenging enough to keep you engaged and got enough speedrunning strats for it to have replay value.

A neat sequel to the classic PICO-8 version of Celeste that is notable hard in its precision platforming and as such requires tight controls in order to master it. Sadly, for cases where the controller wouldn't work, the keyboard timing isn't the best for the level design that is not forgiving in case you want to get all the collectibles. I liked the music at least.

Short sequel to the original pico8 Celeste game. Adds an interesting mechanic to the mix. Fairly enjoyable for being a free download

the first game featuring a grappling hook as a core mechanic that i didn't really enjoy

O design cuidadoso e preciso de Celeste, mas com uma mecânica diferente. Curtinho, usando bem suas novas ideias e com desafio na medida que deixa a experiência satisfatória.

More Celeste. Celeste is the game that keeps on giving. It's like Mario Maker 2, except it's always good. There are no bad levels. I played this the day it came out and enjoyed it. I will play it again, even though I don't think the jumping is quite as good as Celeste.

I guess by default my favorite Celeste since it's not as awkward as its classic predecessor and doesn't overstay its welcome like Celeste "proper" but it's still a little janky as far as grappling on the very edge of platforms. Pretty cool mechanics though.