Reviews from

in the past

Najbardziej niedoceniona gra Rockstara. Minigra o sprzedawaniu narkotyków wciąga tak samo, jak dawniej (nic dziwnego, że w "piątce" wrócono do tego pomysłu pod postacią giełdy papierów wartościowych)

Quickly tried it on a ex-friend's DS by just see how fluid it looks and how fun is to shoot in the game for then dropping it lmao

Ok but jokes aside: it looked interesting and kinda fun, but definitely a game of its era.

Such a cool GTA with a top-down perspective. The music, the comic-book art style, the story, Chinatown Wars brought a level of polish that is rare for portable games.
The drug-dealer side objective and the various mini-games were perfect for the DS and still are on the PSP.