Emily, She/Her
A smol cat wishing for more time to play games. 💙

~Rating System~
1.0 - Abysmal, not worth your time.
2.0 - Bad, but it's your call.
3.0 - Decent, has potential. Try it.
4.0 - Good, worth playing.
5.0 - One of the gaming greats. Must play.
Take the lower advice for halfsies!

I typically highlight the negative things I experience in games, because I personally think it's more important to talk about than all the good details. I like to leave all the positives vague for people to discover on their own! Maybe a weird way to go about it, but meh, das how I tend to do it a lot of the time. :3

I'm a huge nerd for action, platformers, roguelikes, and compelling stories. Anything with too many numbers, PVP only, or any simulation games are things I usually keep off my radar, but I like to try most types of games!
Personal Ratings



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Received 5+ likes on a review while featured on the front page

GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event


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Hi-Fi Rush
Hi-Fi Rush
Borderlands 2
Borderlands 2
Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon


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Sunshine Shuffle
Sunshine Shuffle

Feb 20

Evil West
Evil West

Feb 10

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated
SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated

Jan 29

God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla
God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla

Dec 15

Later Alligator
Later Alligator

Nov 29

Recently Reviewed See More

Kitty-climb your way back home- at the top of the big city!

A fun and relaxing little game about being a kitty (you'll never guess where). You spend the majority of your playtime jumpin' and climbin', and the rest talkin' to some lovely frens you meet along the way. There's also a lot of collecting to be done with some adorable cosmetic rewards, and a list of little cat-chievements for those who like to fully complete the games they play. It's a very casual and silly experience, with a good amount of goofy, whimsical humor to keep things enjoyable.

Not too much by way of complaints, honestly, it was a pleasant experience. It's definitely an entertaining title to sit back and lounge with, but you'll likely beat it in a single afternoon. Honestly I was okay with that though, because I enjoy short and sweet games, but it might not be for everyone. Also, a lot of the characters were really great, and I wish we could have had more time with them. That's partly due to the shorter nature of the game though, so what can you do. Finally, the controls can be floaty and frustrating at times, but despite that, it was never a common issue for me. Nothing big enough to gripe over.

A solid little cat-simulator. Worth it to unwind for an afternoon, or if you just want to be a cat in a tiny sandbox world!

End the mysterious Dark Hour with the power of your closest bonds.

What a fantastic game. I had only played Persona 5 (the OG one) prior to this, and came into it expecting a much lesser experience, but I was so wrong. I enjoyed Persona 3 as much, if not a bit more (from what I remember) than P5. Having the game Reloaded definitely helped in that regard, since there were supposedly some changes to this new version, as well as a fresh coat of paint.

Regardless. From the start, this game caught me hook line and sinker. The music, the characters, the story, it all excited me to seemingly no end. I genuinely am not sure I'll ever grow tired of the soundtrack, and all the best tunes have been added to my everyday playlists. 0 issues with the game, even mechanically, and I would really have to dig for something to dislike. I'm not sure how much more I can really say, or how much more I even want to. I do not regret a single hour of the 100 I spent here.

If you're a story junkie, like JRPGs, like good ass music, or you have game pass, play this game. Furthermore, even if you don't meet any of those criteria, play it anyway.

Fight shadow creatures and purge the land of evil to save your sister.

I honestly don't really know why, but this one isn't it for me. I played through all of Automata, got every ending, and I was really invested the whole time. I enjoyed the story, the combat got a bit stale but still worked fine throughout, and I loved all the characters.
So I find myself asking..what changed?

In this one, the story really isn't grabbing me. I find myself just wanting it to be over, ignoring all the mostly abysmal side content, and beelining through the main events in the hopes that it improves. Sadly it hasn't been anything to write home about in my time playing. A couple interesting segments, sure, but I think it's been pretty dull besides that. Based on everyone's praise, I'm sure there's some huge reveal and a lot of great writing in the latter half, but..I am just not making it there right now. I at least need a long hiatus.

I like the characters a lot, the story is fine, but the combat. Easily the worst offender for me by a longshot. It is so incredibly mind-numbing that I genuinely can't continue putting myself through it anymore. I can't really say exactly why it doesn't feel good exactly, but- it is definitely up there with some of my least favorite feeling combat. At the very least you end up getting different weapon types to shake things up on the fly,, I dunno. It just ain't it. That first handful of hours was really tough to slog through, combat wise. It likely doesn't help that you re-tread and re-fight the same enemies in the same areas for the entire duration (that I've played). It's dry.
I'm talkin' oyster crackers and a shot of straight cinnamon, dry.

Another side note: I'm assuming the ability comes back, but I am not very content about getting fast travel, and then immediately losing it. Especially after spending more time walking to destinations, then even being in them. On the bright side, these maps are now burned into my brain permanently. :)

I'm unfortunately just not enjoying it enough to spend more time with it. I won't say the game is bad or anything like that, but it just isn't working for me personally. Like. When I only play something simply because I feel like I have to, it's time for me to stop playing it.
Maybe I'll pick it up again one day. Who knows.

Judging by the vast amounts of praise, it seems like the game is very worth trying out, even if it isn't for me. Grab it on sale and give it a go if you'd like.