This game has some of the best combat I have experienced in a video game in a long time. Everything in your tool-belt feels viable, and I found myself using everything at my disposal on the final boss fights.

The exploration and sense of discovery in this game are great as well. It can definitely feel a bit checklisty at a certain point, but I found myself having a lot of fun and getting a nice hit of serotonin every time I found a new item or suit.

The story is the weakest part of this game. A lot of cool ideas and elements but it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of dialogue and the overall arc. Eve could definitely use a bit more personality and character development than what was delivered.

I hope this studio gets a chance to make a sequel and further refine this franchise, as there is so much great here, it could really just do with better writing and story direction.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
