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Good fun multiplayer with friends, especially if you turn off the speed limiters...

Amazingly innovative and addictive poker-based roguelike. The feel of the gameplay, both from small things like moving cards around in your hand to the core progression of unlocking and using joker combos to send your score stratospheric is tuned to perfection. Slight points docked due to the one song getting repetitive and lacking the late game replayability of a game like Slay the Spire once everything is unlocked, but these all things seem fixable in the future.

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+ Great characterisation for Kiryu
+ Okinawa sections are a great change of pace from usual Yakuza
+ Great new characters like Rikiya and Mine
+ Substories are interesting and varied (Murder mystery one is a standout)
+ Decent ending and final boss fight
- Movement/combat is clunky (block city) and dated
- Having to complete all hostesses for sidestory completion is awful
- Story pacing is awful, ranging from glacial to the entire story being dumped in a single exposition scene