The first game I ever played was Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on the NES. I was five at the time, and the year was 2004, almost twenty years after the game's release, while my friends would have been playing on PlayStation 2s. I believe this unconventional introduction has shaped my taste in games over the course of my life.
On a much less dramatic note, I love puzzle games, particularly the Zachtronics games, I've been enjoying several metroidvanias lately, and I'm currently working my way through the whole Zelda series.
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As someone who loves Pokemon but has grown increasingly lukewarm about the games, playing this was a breath of fresh air. I've never played the tcg before, but I felt like I was getting pretty good at it by the end.

Adorable, great music, and pretty fun too.
The tank controls actually work pretty well, as long as the camera stays behind croc, but will take a little getting used to for new players.
The production quality is mostly very good, with great models, animations, interesting level ideas, etc.
The only real issue is that some of the later levels lack a bit of polish, and so can be frustrating or confusing.
Otherwise, a lot of fun, and well worth playing.

A game whose mechanics add more to the atmosphere than to the gameplay. Worth playing for the strange and ethereal world alone.