The story, combat, and characters are all great, but the final boss might just be the worst in the whole series.

Its the video game equivalent of if an acrobat tried to do a flip, jumped into space, shattered an extinction causing meteor, reached the moon, killed an evil moon dragon, fell back to earth while doing 700 flips per second, only to deliberately snap their own neck just before landing.

Its that bad of a final boss.
But its worth playing! Especially so that you can get to 5, which is frankly much better.

This is just personal opinion but I was relatively unimpressed with it's plot outside of a select few scenes. The gameplay is alright but also frequently has annoying bosses. Is far from the most impressive showing the series has had, probably because its just a remake of the first game which had not found the series' heart yet.

The combat is hollow and just sorta goofy, but it is still a very good Yakuza game. The story is top notch, it has some of the best substories, and its really fun to run around familiar cities with this frankly beautiful engine.

After playing through the series in chronological order, this is the first game that felt as good to me as Yakuza 0. Its absolutely phenomenal. Kiryu is a fucking monster and the story is fantastic. Highly recommend.

The story is fine (even if sometimes underwhelming and slow) but the gameplay is just dreadful. The enemies block all the time leaving you basically no options other than trying to spam grabs, unless you master the game's jank to such a degree that you can break it in half. It's gameplay is frankly
absolutely terrible, its a complete failure as a brawler.

It is still a Yakuza game, so the story will give you some value, but be warned the combat is annoying enough that it might make it incredibly difficult to actually care about the plot.

This is easily the best game in the franchise that I've played, and most effectively shows the appeal of what Yakuza as a game is. I highly recommend trying it to just about anyone, especially with how often it goes on steam sales.

Honestly there is no reason to play this now-a-days but AT THE TIME this was the shit to play as a kid with family or friends. Intro is still burned into my head. Might still be worth busting out as a novelty.

One of the first games I ever played. Its a true blessing emulators exist, I remember not being able to play this game or it's sequels for like a decade without shopping for several hundred dollar scratched up disks.

Play it, its good!

Actually gives you so much content for your buck, and basically wrote the book on absurd power scaling in video games.

Its not like world. Its a great game, but don't go in expecting more of that.

Amazing, but some new mechanics are annoying. Having to use the clutch-claw to tenderize constantly is just not something I like dealing with. The new monsters are great though!

The intense detail in the world, monsters, and everything is incredible. It sucked me in unlike any other game in this genre managed to. Its actually an amazing game, the only reason it doesn't get a perfect 5 is because the handler is really annoying and immersion breaking sometimes... partner.

Honestly a phenomenal game, the only reason I might not recommend it is because a lot of it's scenes have been beaten to death. It's charm is greatly diminished if the jokes and plot points have been absorbed through cultural osmosis. Its humor also hasn't aged amazingly, but maybe you'll still enjoy it.

This game is probably the worst of the Devil May Cry holy trinity, objectively speaking. It has a lot to offer, including probably the highest skill ceiling, but the later half of the game is mechanically janky and undercooked. You can tell this game didn't have the funding and development time it deserved, which is pretty sad.

Its still amazing though.

good dog!

The game is basic as hell but its fun. Highly recommend to just about anyone.