Bug Fables is a game that accomplishes everything it sets out to do. A spin on the formula created by the first two Paper Mario games, Bug Fables features fun an engaging turn based gameplay, in a fun, immersive setting populated with incredibly well written characters, all backed by an amazingly consistent soundtrack. Everyone who had a hand in working on this game should be damn proud of themselves. If you have even a passing interest in turn based rpgs, give this a play.

If I had to try and find some negatives to bring up, (which in the spirit of fairness, I feel like I do), I do kinda wish the badge system was a little more fleshed out. My favorite part of the badge system in the first two Paper Marios was the swath of different badges you could obtain, giving you a lot more build variety than one might expect. Bug Fables has a good few badges, and you can definitely make a couple different builds to suit your playstyle, but it still feels like there oughta be more there.

Also the stealth sections are cringe but like that's like saying "human beings tend to enjoy oxygen" that isn't news.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
