"oh no, he's playing classical music"

Never cared about the first one, both back when it came out and now, but this one? Perfect game. Not sure if I realized it then, though I HIGHLY enjoyed it when it came out, but I certainly do now. The experiment/test-run that was the first game (as much as I admire it's bare bones/simplicity) constructed and paced to the highest degree. Never realized how hard I associate this game with 2011/my mid-teenage years. Definitely felt my body being transported back to those horribly awkward/demented years. So glad it's over. So glad to finally revisit this and see it even more for what it truly is.

Broke my arm playing this game when I was a kid (combination of the game glitching like MAD, basement's cement floor, and me being an idiot for where I was sitting on the couch) so finally beating it now as an adult feels like I rectified that harrowing/dumbass core moment of my childhood. I will not say where I was in the game when it broke because it's only even more embarrassing lol. This does bring up the question: does breaking a bone while playing a video game make you just the absolute HARDEST gamer out there? The answer to that is don't ever fucking call me a gamer.

Definitely not the best Mario game but definitely up there and maybe the best vibes of all of them? This SNES update is just gorgeous. Totally a-okay not to like this one, of course, but anyone complaining that this isn't a REAL Mario game/Mario 2 is probably anti-art. God Birdo.

Very much enjoyed my time with this. Extremely relaxing and satisfying. Knows it's job and gets it done. However, I'm only giving stars for every player that is allowed to play campaign mode with you (including yourself) because it is absolutely fucking stupid that you can only play it with one other friend (at least make another campaign mode that you can progress through with more people) and I SHOULD be giving this ONE STAR for the even more STUPID fact that only the host can earn trophies and enhanced equipment (more or less) in campaign mode while the person helping their campaign along doesn't get ANYTHING (more or less). Along with other little tedious issues here that also shouldn't at all be a problem, this game is an excellent example of how all the stupid little things can add up and taint a pretty solid product. Absolutely no regrets with my time spent beating the campaign with my friend (while the game forced us to leave our others friends behind to DIE) and some solo stuff I did but also COME ON.

Pretty sure I would not have gotten into this game so soon had I not seen it blow up on Twitter for a good bit when it was first released. From the clips on there I immediately found the Vietnam, Starship Troopers, Terminator hell zone vibe incredibly attractive with all the absolute insanity around every corner. Then I saw the John Woo diving going on in there and immediately told my friends we NEED this. Haven't looked back since. Blessed $40 game. Mission/gameplay variety might become a problem later on down the line, but for the time being with how smooth it plays and shockingly performs and the constant updates that keep rolling out the future looks very bright for this one. I also know my history with these kinds of games so I'm keeping my expectations well in check. For right now, with this and Lethal Company I haven't enjoyed online gaming this much in what feels like years so I will graciously be living in these moments for the time being with hope for their futures.

My biggest white whale of games that I couldn't beat as a kid that I'm straight-up abandoning this time because while I'm able to cruise through it now as an adult it's boring as FUCK, gameplay wise. I'm actually stopping at the exact same spot I was stuck at all those years ago with collecting a total of 35 monkeys to progress. I stopped at this place back then because I was terrible at video games, though I did very much like the game. I'm stopping at it today because I'm not backtracking to dig around for a bunch of popcorn containers or whatever in order to get more monkeys. If this wasn't so tedious to play I definitely would go out of my way to do that. Watched the rest of it on YouTube and to my actual surprise all I had left with the game is another running section and a stupid easy boss fight. Since first playing this game 20 years ago and getting stuck I definitely thought there was A LOT more beyond where I left off but no this is actually like a four hour game which I'm thankful for because I was getting really tired of it at this point and for it to end where it ends instead of continuing to drag out the same basic missions for another level or two is a plus, I guess. Glad to know I actually got through 90% of it as a kid. Not a good game but very good vibes from the Looney Tunes gang. The game really gets them right so of course it's very funny which helped make all the terrible gameplay tolerable and because of that I'll spare this one.

Very glad to have finally beat one of these "impossible" games. At least I think. I'll ask my carpal tunnel about it later. Definitely lite/almost anti(?)-Bennett Foddy because it is fun/satisfying to play (for the most part), possible to control (again, for the most part), and I would love to play another map from this guy (actually! but maybe that defeats the point of this? Whatever.). Hits a good amount of Foddy's musings though maybe not with the same impact and that's okay because I didn't want to kill everyone within a seven mile radius while playing this (or at least not as much) as I did in my few miserable hours of playing and healthily not completing Getting Over It. Wouldn't say that I'm done with this "impossible" genre being I plan on getting Foddy and company's Baby Steps when it comes out (assuming it'll be part of the genre) but this has definitely given me the strength to close the door on all those low-tier, rage bait games that I always have too much interest in.

When playing the Hero Assault mode the only song that would play was the Cantina Band song, no matter the map (played on the Death Star, Mustafar, and a barely loaded in Hoth). When you would die the song would cut off immediately and would restart when you spawned back in. If you died too many times the sound would just completely cut off (a fair punishment that should be implemented in all games). Of all the things that need to be patched in this currently broken collection that I pre-ordered like the stupid man I am (between this and my purchase of the definitive edition of Plumbers Don't Wear Ties I should probably seek out a financial advisor) I deeply hope they keep this one.

Spent $43.49 on this stupid meme (because I am a stupid man) that I will use to torture as many friends as I can trick into playing this with me until the end of time. First showing/play through involved my roommate who had no idea what this was (it's now his very favorite game, of course) and our one friend who, like myself, is well versed in the early years of the Angry Video Game Nerd, who's video on this "game" gave it a new life and eventually led to this Definitive Edition (I imagine this is his Oppenheimer moment/legacy). Good trash, sure, that I'm surprised didn't bore me/us more. Unlike actual passionate works with the mostly dreaded/misused "so bad it's good" title this is just really embarrassing/worrisome when you think about it's inception. Still, I look forward to torturing many more friends with a prime example of something that should've been left in the past.

1 star, obviously, but should be zero stars because of, you know, everything along with the addition of how much Limited Run Games sucks. Especially because of their added Plumb the Depths section, a bizarre, intentionally poor Doom(ish) knockoff used to unlock bonus content that should normally already be available once you complete the story but they needed to pad this thing out more given how short it is, which is maybe the stupidest thing I've ever seen in a "videogame". Looking forward to the day someone breaks into my apartment and as they're going through my physical Nintendo Switch collection they see Mario, Metroid, WarioWare, Tetris, Plumbers Don't Wear Ties. Can't wait to give this Best Narrative during Backloggd's Best of 2024 awards at the end of the year.

"Water is the memory of the world. Water finds its way."


"Now, when the monster comes, I turn it into art. My nightmares caught on film"

Was originally planning on getting a PS5 when Death Stranding 2 eventually gets released in another year or two. That was until seeing Herald of Darkness performed at The Game Awards. Was already very interested in this game (without any knowledge of the song/section) and then saw that performance, said "fuck" to myself upon realizing that fucker Geoff Keighley got me exactly where he wanted me to be, and went to Best Buy two days later. Herald of Darkness section definitely lived up to my expectations of how they could possibly implement that song into the game but the rest of it is extremely neat too!

Finland Twin Peaks (overused, I know, but there's no better compliment!) that truly knows it's a videogame! What really brings this up to a 5/5 is the use of projections and the darkness. Walking in the woods at night with a flashlight barely getting light through the pitch blackness with Taken wandering all around is so unbelievably unnerving even while playing the game with the sun out. Horrifying atmosphere that just sucks you right into this Silent Hill type hell. The use of projections, fades, and mixture of graphics and real life footage here provide some of the most beautiful images I've ever seen. Kind of joins the Metal Gear Solid series for me where I didn't particularly enjoy engaging in the core combat but love the games for how they utilize this medium to tell their stories. Less for MGS given all the neat variety in it's combat but especially for Alan Wake II for the combat here (more or less, a simple point & shoot with the occasional Alan Wake pimp slap) ranges from a 1/5 to a 3/5 (sometimes a 4/5 on a good day). While certainly not the point/main focus of the game, with this coming from Remedy and with how good the combat is in Max Payne and Control it's kind of shocking how it was never not clunky here and I have yet to read any of the narrative that could suggest that this was on purpose (maybe? Even if...). Of course, comparing it to MGS in this regard is just about the highest praise I can give anything and I wouldn't be giving this a 5/5 if the combat TRULY bothered me (when it hits that 4/5 it's a WILD time). Everything else from the narrative, structure, visuals, sound, and exploration is so unbelievably inspiring that there's no way I can't give this anything less than a 5/5.

Sometime down the line I'll play through the Final Draft/New Game+ mode given from what I've read it sounds completely next-level when compared to the standard NG+ mode, but that's for another time for I've been playing this for too long now. Besides, the spirit of Alan Wake will still be with me for a long, long time anyways as Herald of Darkness [Radio Edit] continues to secure its position as my most listened to song on Spotify this year and I am very, very happy about that.

While far from perfect, it's a perfect multiplayer game. Fully understands that there is nothing funnier than your friends being absolutely terrified. With Deep Rock Galactic, PowerWash Simulator, and now this the workmanlike videogame has completely rewired my brain with my enjoyment of online multiplayer games (with or without friends). Nothing better than working together to serve THE COMPANY. Hits that perfect balance of gaming elements that I think any kind of gamer (whether hardcore, casual, or even non-gamers) can find something worthwhile in (helps that this can run on literally any computer) and that is not an easy thing to do. Hope that history is wrong this time and the developer doesn't fuck up such a wonderful thing.

Asides from some of the smaller platforming parts being completely annoying with these controls and just don't mesh well with the game's overall breakneck pace and the shotgun which just flat-out doesn't work with the pace here, this is one of the most exciting games I've played in a while. 90's Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network art style alone is enough to recommend it. Soundtrack kills too! Or at least the iconic It's Pizza Time! track which violently overshadows all the other tracks with how catchy it is. Took a good while for me to get into this (and I'm still trying to figure out if I'm fighting with the controls or if they're fighting with me), but boy does it feel otherworldly when you start to feel yourself getting better at it by racking up higher and higher combos and cursing less (or less at the stuff you struggled with in the beginning) as you work your way up the tower. Highlights are Peppino's facial animations on the television (and everywhere else, the taunt button is just wonderful), corpse surfing, and the finale with racing down the tower through all the levels once again. Love that the game understands that jumping on enemies nowadays is LAME. Suplexing tomatoes and cheeses are where it's at now. So much unique stuff going on here that I could easily rack up several more hours in this. Know for a fact that should this ever get ported to Switch or should I ever acquire a Steam Deck that those several more hours would be immediately acquired. Very good game but a perfect handheld/portable game.

Never realized how terrible I was at the original before playing through this. I never even made it to the castle back then and it turns out that's barely the first 1/3rd of the game lol and I definitely remember playing it (/replaying those sections) a good amount. I've said this plenty of times before but it's always great to come back to a game from my youth (remake or not) and just completely show up my worthless younger self.

Is a testament to how good the original is with how much of it has stayed with me all these years later and all from just the first 1/3rd of the game! Imagine if I didn't suck at it. Village with the chainsaw man at the beginning and the lake set piece are still just beyond iconic. In this remake they're still excellent pieces though I thought the lake monster design here wasn't as defining as it was in the original which pretty much sums up my main complaint with the game. Really lacks that charm and FULL-on weirdness of the original (not to say it's COMPLETELY lacking here) which is immediately noticeable with the lack of a sinister voice announcing "RESIDENT EVIL FOOOOUUURR" at the title screen. I definitely enjoyed the last 2/3rds of the game I didn't play in my youth more than the first third I did play and have a pretty good memory of still and it's no doubt due to the remake missing that personality.

Nonetheless, with what's here it's still a very nice time (save for a few moments that I just wanted to be over with). I think I prefer RE2Remake for it's atmosphere but the combat and controls here have been pretty much perfected and the narrative just continues to wonderfully amp itself up the further you get into the game. Easy to see why the original is normally in contention for the greatest game ever made. Definitely a bit of regret not replaying/actually completely it before investing in this remake but oh well. If anything, it absolutely works in this remakes favor until/if I revisit it.

Screaming Door enemy is so hilarious and gives off the exact same vibes as the Green Nightmare Barrel from Donkey Kong Country 3 (my favorite enemy in this entire medium) that I can't not love this. Was gonna make a complaint that this is way too easy but you know, I don't care. Above all else, it was just nice to play something in what feels like the longest time without STRESSING for one second. Very relaxing, very comforting, excellent imagination. Like almost all Mario games, very much looking forward to revisiting this one every couple of years.

Was ADDICTED to this for the longest time and then Mario Wonder came out and then I bought Tetris: The Grand Master on Switch which has taken over this one as my new quick 10 minute game and now I'm slowly getting back to other games in my never-ending library and now I'm not sure if I'll ever get back to this one. Too many games, too little time. For my time with it though it was an absolute blast. Get in, race for your life, get out. Perfect 4ish minutes every time. Could easily sit down and play ten races in a row, no problem. So fast and smooth with both gameplay and, equally as important, connectivity. Can definitely see this turning into another Tetris 99 for me where I come back to it every few months and play the HELL out of it for a good while but even if I don't get back to this anytime soon I'll surely cherish my 10ish hours with it. Wonderful game just like the original and all the others. Now back to being a dumb IDIOT with being hopeful that Nintendo will eventually make another entry in this series.

In the battle of The Chad broken ass, bare bones, freeform jazz rough & tough Gang Beasts VS The Cowardly gorgeous looking, mostly playable, limiting (in comparison) Party Animals I will always choose/champion the (former) multiplayer party game with no tutorial, zero rules and in-game purchases (and budget), and that doesn't play itself for you. This game is still very fun though and a good alternative option for those who struggle with/have yet to master the former. Somewhere in a combination of these two games is a perfect physics based multiplayer game for me. As soon as I acquire the Garfat character I will change my score to a 5/5.

Update (9/25):
I'm bringing this down a star because while I am having a lot of fun with it the controls are so annoyingly sluggish that it's really unacceptable it was released like this.