silly little guy
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I adore this game so much, god. The gameplay of each Act is fun, unique and brimming with the personality of each Scrybe, the visuals and vibe are great, and the story is really intriguing. You’re not gonna pick up on the entire story playing casually, since most is uncovered via an ARG, but I think that’s super fitting since that’s basically what Luke is doing while playing himself. I think Act 1 is strongest, it’s iconic for a reason and its what Kaycee’s Mod branches off of for a reason, but that’s not to say the other parts aren’t also fun. I highly recommend giving it a try!

Honestly, I’m not rating this because I don’t know my feelings. I played it like, a year ago or so, did most of the first storyline, then put it down because I got distracted. But I picked it up again and just haven’t been feeling it beyond completing the main storyline. I enjoyed the game before, but I just can’t loop back. And it’s been long enough where I don’t remember my original feelings anyway. I think the game is cool and has some neat mechanics, I just can’t get back into it.

I’ve had a little experience with Fire Emblem before, but never with permadeath (because of anxiety) and FE8 pushed me out of my comfort zone in that way. And I really enjoyed it! It felt like a good starting off point for running with permadeath and has me genuinely wanting to keep playing with it now, when I was anxious about the idea before.

FE8 isn’t anything too hard, though I did play on easy so I could have the tutorial (I’ve played Fire Emblem before but I wanted it on just in case) so I got an easier experience to start. I appreciate how you do have a spot to grind levels if you want to (though I didn’t partially because, well, easy mode, but also because I was too lazy to be bothered).

I like the cast, and the overall story was solid. Nothing extraordinary to me, but there were some stand-out moments for sure. Though I will say I genuinely hate how GBA support conversations work, because it's way harder for me to actually NOTICE them. Which sucks, because a lot of where characterization shines in Fire Emblem is through support conversations.

The gameplay is fun! Most maps are fun, ignoring fog of war being fog of war, and… yeah, I can’t avoid Seth for much longer. Seth breaks the game in half, for better or for worse. I can definitely see why Seth can make the game drag for some people. But I kinda liked having him? Maybe it’s because I’m bad/relatively unfamiliar and unskilled with tactical RPGs, and of course I acknowledge he is broken to an unreasonable degree, but I also didn’t mind. It’s not like he was the only unit of mine who cooked, and I liked having him around. I dunno how to word it, I just think he’s neat.

Overall I had a fun time and it’s definitely helped open the door to me for playing more Fire Emblem games. Definitely worth giving a shot!