Italy || There's a lesson to learn behind every bad or good gaming experience, whether it changes your perspective about how you look at something or when it leaves you thinking about how you shouldn't have bought certain titles
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It gets stale after some time but you can make the Miis do crazy stuff, try it for a few hours and have some fun

(Try mixing fictional characters and real people you know in the hotel, it's much more absurd in this way)

If every 2D Zelda game looked like this I would honestly go crazy, this was actually fun to play, fast and not too complicateed for my stupid brain

If it weren't for the DLC tracks this would have gotten a lower score than the Wii U version, it's just a port of the old game sold for full price again, but now you can't say no to the sheer size of tracks avaiable to play (and since the online has been shutdown on Wii U this is where you want to challenge your online friends)