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Slower paced Metroid is a good hook. Atmosphere, art, and music are all really well done.
The gun overheat boosting melee damage is a smart gimmick to encourage switching constantly during fights. The combat is otherwise decent, enemy designs don't change much and bosses tend to not have more than 1 or 2 moves to use at a time so it can feel a bit stale. I was expecting there to not be other melee options but to instead have different gun options, so it was a nice pivot from Metroid to do the opposite. The passive mod abilities are cool and there is enough good variety that you do have to consider which ones to take, but I can't say the same about the weapon abilities. The first one you get, the rocket, really does seem like the most effective one barring the novelty of having a "summon" ability, so it really doesn't seem like a worthwhile endeavor to equip multiple weapons abilities since they take from the same energy pool that passive mods use.
Skimming through reviews, I do agree that the backtracking from each objective item to the hub felt unnecessary and did come across more like padding. Some small skeleton head enemies will spawn when you're doing this backtracking but they're pretty easy for what they are, so it really is just doing the same rooms again with practically no change. I even stopped to grab another macguffin on my way back to return another, but it told me I couldn't take it until I dropped the other one off. Naturally this meant walking to the hub, walking back to the macguffin, and then walking back to the macguffin again.There not being an upgrade/fast travel station at the hub too is kinda silly, of all places why not there?

Pretty solid! The musics good but feels like there's too few tracks even for its shortish length at ~5 hours. The wallrunning and bullet time combo is pretty sweet though I feel like enemies often took inconsistent damage from seemingly identical shots.
The game could also use a touch more signposting, I got lost in the city street level because it's just a fairly open space with a lot of identical streets with no indication of where to go. I'd think with this kind of game you want to go go go but thats broken up by spinning in circles for a few minutes pretty frequently trying to know where to go.

Nice to play a good metroidvania again.
Gotta shot out the jump and spinning top in this for making traversal feel so good, really wasn't expecting that. The parry-centric combat is nice and there's some good platforming and puzzle solving to do.
I ended up just sticking with the starting sword for most of the run time, the upgrade economy seems a bit scuffed and funnels you into sticking with few choices more than it probably should. The movesets dont differ so you have to ask yourself if you want a regular sword or a sword with a colored element swing that will also be more expensive to upgrade.
Some areas got a bit tedious to backtrack, primarily the lava area and the windy area. Both could have used more shortcuts to cut down on having to go in a big circle to get to where you want to go.