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To the Moon

Apr 21

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The game has a good narrative, so the overall playthrough is pretty nice. The John moments are quite enjoyable to see, especially the childhood one where he meets the river.

However, I dislike the ending more than I like it. It's somewhat happy because John realizes his wish, but it's fake. This ending never happened; it's a lie to himself, a life he never lived. I prefer to accept my life as it is rather than have my memories modified.

The game's story is pretty sad because John never understands the truth behind why River likes him and he tells to her the reason of his approach: just a selfish teenager's wish. The peak of the game is not the ending itself but when the player realizes that the folded rabbits are an attempt by River to make John remember their childhood. He couldn't because of the "Beta blockers" medicines, and she never figures that out. This aspect is terribly sad.

I believe the game should focus on the nice moments instead of creating new ones. John's life was sad but had good moments. As Dr. Eva Rosalene said in the game: "The ending isn't any more important than the moments leading up to it," so why fake it all?

At the very least, the game could be more realistic. I think a dialogue in John's last accessible memory would be great. He would remember childhood because Neil and Rosalene "reactivate" it and check what he thinks about it.

the best exploring game I have ever played

I really enjoyed it. The battles can be quite boring because they're so easy, but I think it's acceptable since the game's main focus is storytelling, and they make it easy for anyone to play.