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Finished this game in one sitting after four left a bad taste in my mouth and I am so happy to see it as one of my favorites. Many truly frustrating design decisions from the previous game have become more manageable, especially with the difficulty of the bosses.

Robot masters no longer hit like a tank and can reasonably be defeated even with the base mega-buster. This made the time spent replaying parts of the stages more rewarding as I enjoyed each of the fights. The stages also received upgrades with them being some of the most appealing themed stages I have seen in the series so far. A special shout-out to the Gravity Man and Charge Man stages for being some of my favorites. The series finally introduced interesting stage gimmicks such as gravity flipping and a vehicle section. These gimmicks are usually pretty short but they do wonders for making the stages stand out more.

The gameplay remains the same albeit with slight changes. The mega-busters charge has received another upgrade with a more destructive blast that feels great to use. The weapon upgrades are also a lot of fun to use and I found myself using them outside of boss fights more than I did in some previous entries. The gravity-hold is one of my favorites with it acting as a screen-clearing weapon that causes enemies to fly into the sky once hurt enough. The special weapon "Beak", a robotic bird, is both fun to unlock, with you having to collect hidden letters in each level, and extremely helpful to use.

Honestly, the game seems a lot more forgiving than previous entries with increased life drops and energy tanks to collect. Some might be opposed to its more forgiving nature, but it allowed me to take the time and enjoy the different aspects of the game. The entry ranks pretty high for me and has encouraged me to jump into the sixth entry right away. This game also gets bonus points for proving Proto-Man is one of my favorite characters in the series now.

A little too much humor for my liking, but overall it was another fantastic entry to the Halo series. Fun gunplay and I also like the addition of the Visr mechanic.

É incrível como isso teve uma sequência, esse jogo é um amontoado de ideias bostas, game design terrivel que vai totalmente contra o que o jogo quer que tu faça, po a mecânica principal é momentum né? Que tal por um game design que te pune se tu n ficar parando e pensando noq e pra onde ir???? E é toda santa hora zonas e zonas longas que não fazem sentido nenhum, que te punem por correr ou por ir pelo instinto, em especial a marble e labyrinth zones que tem fácil piores levels designs q eu já vi numa franquia renomada. As músicas ajudam a transformar esse jogo numa experiência torturosa, pois são repetitivas, irritantes e toda vez q tu morre elas começam de novo, virando uma espécie de alucinação auditiva maluca e infernal. Yuji Naka devia ter sido preso em 91

this is the best thing that ever happened to me

I had a really good time playing this game played most of with with a friend and I wish Elden Ring co-op was smooth as this one, anyways played this game day one and it certainly had it flaws, some underwhelming bosses and enemy's are pretty meh, but the overall world at least to me was pretty sick. An above average soulslike

This really shouldn't have been my first exposure to Mario 64 as a kid but it had Yoshi so that was pretty sweet

The premise for this game seemed pretty unique and it definitely had some arthouse kind of setup that I was intrigued by. Unfortunately though, this game loves to stutter and stutter hard. Almost every time I turned around in this game i was getting at least a half second stutter, usually in new areas it would lag and hang for a good 15-20 seconds and then I'd get constant minor stutters. I tried to load it onto my other SSD, but that didn't fix the issue either on top of fiddling with settings constantly. I guess I'll just watch someone play this one, really unfortunate.

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Learning how to parry was fun and the difficulty spikes are insane. There is no better feeling than finally achieving that flow state and beating a hard boss. On one attempt you are getting smoked every time until you eventually lock in and start using 100 percent of your brain. If my brain was as tapped in when I studied as when I beat some of the harder skill check bosses id never get a single question wrong.

Only downside was the shallow skill progression. For the most point I felt no need to use any of the combat arts as the normal parry and normal attack sufficed for pretty much the entire game. Even the shinobi prosthetics I did not feel the need to spend a lot of time with. Unlike other fromsoftware titles you never reach a point where the game becomes like a super easy stomp and the games requires you to play by its rules the entire time. The game is pretty reflex heavy so if you don't focus you will die.

what if they made a sonic game where all the levels suck and its not fun

Glover is fucking awesome dude fuck you

Never played any CRPG in my life before this game, the campaign is sick af i took my time exploring and learning bout this world but after you beat it the gameplay loop just do not work at least for me it become repetitive really quickly

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Did all Dragon's Memoirs and Life Links. Did all substories too. Beat Amon in post-game dungeon.

Gosh, where do I begin with this game? While I overall enjoyed my time with this game, it is in the lower half of the yakuza games. Story pacing is real bad. Ichiban's half of the story feels a bit lacking in comparison to Kiryu's where I enjoyed every chapter of his.

The villians are fine, some of the weaker ones in the franchise. It sucks that Hanawa and Wong just get killed off, and that's it. It's nice to see Jo back, but he doesn't really do as much as I would have liked him to. Yamai stands out for being probs the best new character. Overall, I find it a much better final game for Kiryu than 6 was. Like to an almost impressive point with how much fanservice they put in here for him.

I am a big fan of Tomizawa and Chitose. They both felt rather fresh with Ichiban having to really earn them as party members. In general, the characterization in this game is great when it wants to be. All the drink links are great, and Kiryu's are really well written in the nature of just the crossover between the old party members and the legend himself. Like Saeko's I really loved in particular.

Gameplay wise, it's... good enough? I've never really understood the praise the turn-based combat gets. 7's was very mixed, and 8's here is better but largely feels just "good enough". There's still too much grinding, and switching between the 2 parties doesn't help much. Nothing about the job system particularly invited me to really check it out, and it required also too much grinding for me to really invest in it. I think locking different jobs behind the bond system was kinda lame. There's also way too many freaking sidequests that interrupt the main story.

Speaking of, the side content is like massive. There's so much to do, but tbh I don't care for most of it. I completely ignored Dondogo Island after the stupidly long mandatory tutorial for it, and Sujimon I would have also ignored if it weren't for the substories with it. Even then, I primarily just solo'd it with the Kiryu sujimon you get post-game. Kiryu's "substories" feels just enough to be satisfying, but not quite enough to feel complete. I think some more like actual substories and not just the memoirs would've been good for him. Meanwhile, Ichiban's substories are a great bunch in this game. Better and funnier than 7's. Except for the romance substories. I actually kinda liked the online dating side mode till it got boring, but the fact he just kinda gets bummed by all the girls for laughs is... extremely cringe and in poor taste. Not even with the Saeko stuff can they get rid of this stupid thing in every game.

Overall, it was enjoyable to me. Far too long, and really the first yakuza game I've ever felt burnt out on but hey when it's good it's GOOD.

I know it's mid af but the final ending and music are untouchable in my heart

Jogo Ok

Friday Night Funkin é um jogo de ritmo que foi lançado em 2020, que tinha e tem ainda, acredito eu, de ser um dos melhores jogos de ritmo, diante a premissa que ele oferece. Onde cada semana (é tipo a fase do jogo) você tem um oponente novo pra batalhar que vai ter 3 músicas para duelar com você numa batalha de rima super fodona.

Eu lembro de mim em 2020, querendo muito jogar esse jogo pq eu vi o Core jogando e achei extremamente foda, mas na época meu pc não rodava. Eu não sei se já tinha nesses tempos a parada da pessoa jogar no próprio browser, mas se tinha, eu não usei de otário, não tem jeito. O jogo é bem divertidinho de jogar, se tem 4 teclas, e se tem que apertar no tempo certo, e os bichos cantam, super legal. Foi uma febre gigante esse jogo, e já que o código dele era aberto, foram criados milhares de mods que mantiveram o game vivo, porém o jogo tinha (tem) uma demora gigantesca pra atualizar, foi aí então que os cara decidiu fazer uma vakinha pra desenvolver o jogo, arrecadando no final dois milhões de dólares para fazer o negócio andar (dica, isso foi há 3 anos atrás). Ai nesse meio tempo os mods morreram todos, e o jogo ficou meio abandonado, só tendo soltando uma semana nova em 2021, que sim, era boa, e visivelmente mais bem feita, mais ainda era muito pouco pra todo esse tempo ai, acaba que recentemente eles fizeram um trailler pro jogo que mostrava oque ia ser adicionado, que eram o modo de dificuldade "ereto" que até modificava a própria música e não só velocidade das teclas, mostraram umas músicas que já tinha só que nos modos mais difícies lá, passando por todas se não me engano, prometendo uma volta foda. Com isso recentemente foi adicionado um update novo depois de anos, aí decidi jogar e to escrevendo agora. O jogo em si é bem divertido, pois o'que pensamos de jogos de ritmo, são PaRappa Rapper, Guitar Hero, aqueles que se dança com o pé e talz, acaba que eu acho que ele foi tão bem, acho eu, por conta da fácil acessibilidade do jogo, já que era grátis e leve, mais ainda sim ele é apresentado de um jeito diferente desses outros, muito por ele ser meio animação aparente pra criança só que tem paradas adultas, tipo quando tu morre que tu fica “blueballs” (caso queira saber oque é pesquisa aí, pq eu n to afim de escrever), junto com uns personagens de games e animações conhecidas que acabam dando uma vida a mais ao jogo sendo eles personagens de jogos de ataques escolares, até país demônios. Talvez os mods podem ter dado um impulso, mas o jogo base ainda sim, teve um bom lançamento, mas ele não tem nada demais, músicas legais, jogo de ritmo básico e que tem uma história que está sendo mais desenvolvida por agora por essas novas atualizações, que foi colocado até agora uma semana a mais, extremamente bem feita e legal de jogar.

O jogo tem muitos defeitos, eu não sei se é só que eu sou um noobzão fudido, mas as vezes quando eu clico numa tecla, mesmo no tempo certinho ela aparenta não contar, não sei se eu só tô chorando, pode ser isso, mas não sei. Achei meio bosta também que a transição de músicas é muito ruim, já que ela acaba, aí se fica olhando os personagens parados por uns 5 segundos sem nada, da um travadão e volta com a outra, não sei vei, será que não dava pra fazer uma transição pelo menos um pouquinho mais suave?. A outra coisa é a demora das semanas novas, que a rapaziada pago pros cara fazer, e ai os cara postava foto da rapaziada do que faz o jogo fumando crack kkkkkkkkk, mas de boa, ao menos alguma coisa saiu, E por fim acho que falta um pouco de dinâmica na gameplay, porque atualmente, é só apertar as teclas no tempo certo, não tem nada pra do nada se apertar e espaço e desviar por exemplo.

É complicado defender o jogo nessas paradas que eu apresentei, mas olhando onde essa sequência atual de updates, caso realmente venham para o jogo e começem a aparecer com mais frequências, ele pode se tornar um jogo muito bom. Também se se as primeiras fases fossem refeitas, pq desde o começo do jogo não foi mudado nada, aí se joga, 70% do jogo assim, ai do nada troca tudo e desbalanceia, pq as últimas semanas são muito mais bonitas do que todas as outras, deixando uma parte bonita e outra nem tanto, não que gráfico sejam super importantes pra esse tipo de game, porém deixa tudo meio diferente durante a história, achei meio ruim.

Another game that I really liked as a kid, but probably because I was a kid. Idk let Spider-Man say "fuck"

when i close my eyes in bed now all i see is stringing together moves in pseudoregalia

se voce ignorar o que falam dele na internet eu juro que é bom

I CHERISH THIS SHIT. One of my favorite pieces of art / media, it's just so well done and effective. I can't say much that hasn't been said already but it's a certified classic

Seeing irl friend as mii irwii is funnii