Reviews from

in the past

Having plenty of experience with the "boomer shooter" genre by the time I gave DOOM 2016 a chance, I never struggled much, but it’s still such a well-thought out combat loop that it's hard not to love it. The rest of the game, with the cheesy lore and weirdly overbearing exploration, I could take or leave, but the core is rock-solid and that easily carries it through its duller moments.

An indie stealth game with a lovely low-poly aesthetic and a slightly camp horror edge to it. It's very simple and more than a bit jank, but overall good fun!

When the internet is down, it's always there. Always the same, but never gets boring.

A pretty brutal (and maybe slightly too edgy) beat ‘em up, It’s not beating SoR4 as my beat ‘em up time-waster of choice, but it's a respectable effort.

This game’s been described as a playable music album, and it is that, but it’s so much more. The way the music syncs with the action is so sublime that it genuinely feels like its own type of experience, more than just a game. You’ve heard adaptive music, but you’ve never heard THIS level of adaptive music.

A lovely little game that focuses not on challenge or mechanical precision but just on the inherent fun of adventure. Fun all the way through, and the bonus stuff is worth checking out.

When I reviewed Breath of the Wild I said it was an amazing game, but had some flaws that prevented me from giving it a perfect score. This game fixed almost none of those flaws (except motion control puzzles), added a few of its own, but all the additions and enjoyment that come out of this is just so damn good that I can't not give it a perfect score.

Only Nintendo can be like "We're not going to fix the problems, but we're going to make it so much fun that you won't care"

era divertido jogar em coop com amigo, mas jogar sozinho em algumas partes é bem cansativo e repetitivo. mas ele continua quase igual ao jogo anterior "Ben 10: Protector of Earth", no sentido de serem apenas 5 aliens que você vai desbloqueando ao decorrer das fases.

O jogo é bem curto.

mindbending mindmending demanding and cursed (I love the ending)

Finalmente mais de 5 aliens, sério, como é bom ter 10 aliens. Pena que essa versão não tem multiplayer, tiraram umas das melhores coisas. Uma coisa que ficou salvo na minha cabeça é a trilha sonora da primeira fase, aquela música que toca com a cidade toda destruída.

Bubble Bobble, while being a fantastic arcade classic that still holds up very well to this day, was also very successful, and of course, sequels are abound to happen after said success. However, just like with Double Dragon, it seemed that Taito couldn’t help but make plenty of sequels that just so happened to be called Bubble Bobble 2 in some way, or if they wanted to make things even more confusing, like with what Shinobi and Gradius did, they also made sequels that were called completely different things. Seriously, what is it with video game companies back in the day and naming sequels completely differently then the original game? Definitely made things a lot more confusing, but thankfully, Taito was better about this trend, as for the first sequel they released, it would come to be known as Rainbow Islands: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2.

When it came to the Bubble Bobble series, I had only really played the original game for a good while until the thought of actually playing the sequels came to mind. So, over the past couple of years, I played through several of the others, and in terms of this game, it is also just as fantastic as the original Bubble Bobble was. In fact, I may even say that the game is somewhat BETTER then the original. Not sure how much of a hot take that is, but I really did enjoy this one a lot, and yes, it does still have some problems that the original had, along with some minor new ones, but I don’t regret checking this game out at all.

The story is bare-bones, but then again, so was the original, so it works, the graphics are just as appealing, bright, and colorful as the original game, the music is once again pretty great, even if there is still only a couple songs, but more then the original, the control is about the same as the original game, still just as easy to pick up and figure out, and the gameplay is pretty different from the original, yet similar enough to still be pretty fun, and to still feel like a Bubble Bobble game.

The gameplay is a 2D platformer, where you travel up through plenty of levels, shoot rainbows to take out enemies (because… they now have rainbow powers?), as well as using rainbows to get items and as platforms, collect many treasures and items along the way that will give you points and powerups, and in a change from the original, fight plenty of bosses along the way, instead of just one right at the end. It feels very familiar with what came before, and carries the same amount of fun as the original game did, while changing enough elements to make it feel like a fresh new experience, which I greatly appreciate. Not to mention, plenty of elements from the original are improved upon, such as, again, more bosses to fight that also give you a challenge if you aren’t quick, plenty of personality portrayed through several cutscenes and dialogue boxes, numerous endings that you can get that are pretty funny, while also giving plenty of replay value to the player, and more to do then to simply just “defeat all of the enemies” to progress.

Not to mention, it fixes one of the problems that I had with the original game: getting to the extra endings and content. In the original, if you wanted to get the true ending and the password for extra levels (without looking it up, you fucking cheater), you had to grab a crystal ball in the second to last level, which isn’t that bad of a task, but it feels really out-of-place, and you can miss it if you aren’t careful and quick enough to get it. Here, instead, you collect various gems from enemies when you take them out, spelling out the word “Rainbow”, and getting a big diamond. Do this for each of the main seven islands, and you get access to three whole new islands, while also leading to the true endings. This method of getting extra content and more endings feels much more satisfying, like you earned it, rather then just being like “oh, just pick up this random thing on your way out”. Now, this does come with its own problems, such as the drop rate of the gems from the enemies, as well as which gems they do drop when you kill them, but all in all, it is a much better system.

With all that in mind, the game does still have several small issues. First off, there is no more simultaneous co-op, which is pretty lame, and the game can drag on for a bit, and while it doesn’t have as many levels as the original Bubble Bobble, or as much repetition, it is still quite a bit, which could turn some away from the game. And speaking of which, people may not get behind the versatility of your abilities like I can. They may prefer the long range of shooting bubbles from the original, but not care for needing to go take the enemy out after catching them in it. They may not like the short range and arcing of the rainbow from this game, but they appreciate how it takes out the enemy immediately whenever it hits. Again, it is all a matter of preference, with both being on the same level as effectiveness for me, but some others may not get behind, which is understandable.

Overall, this is a fantastic follow-up to the original Bubble Bobble that I would definitely recommend for those who loved the original game. Sure, it does have several small issues, and some may not like the changes present in this game, but as for me, I had a great time with it, and I now know what rainbows are truly capable of.

Game #223

Wish I could of gelled with it more but nah, sorry! Awesome OST tho

A good game to pass the time, but after a while, it starts to become repetitive. Good increase in difficulty level.
Played on Android mobile.

Primeiro lego que eu joguei e zerei 100%, talvez ficou faltando uma coisa ali ou ali. Eu amo muito este jogo e fez parte da minha infância. Este jogo apresenta bem os personagens mais conhecidos do verso de batman, os puzzle das fases e as lutas são legais. Lego é muito bom

Every song in this game is burned into my brain. I hear the word "Katamari" and I immediately start humming to myself like an idiot. Also the game's real good too.

I hear you calling me / I wanna wad you up into my life / Let's roll up to be / a single star in the sky / to you, oh to yooooou (na na nana, na na na nanana, na na nana)

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft
Rap do Minecraft

Esse é o Creeper ele chegou para matar
O Enderman muito louco, só vai teleportar
A aranha parkourzeira chegou para te assustar
E o esqueleto uma flecha no joelho vai atirar

You’re an alien samurai gunslinger and all you do is get into 10/10 battles against bosses who’re just as badass as you are while the best music you've ever heard in your life plays

This game goes INSANE dude

(Also like the story's good too or whatever)

eu me divertia jogando, pena que meu dvd foi de arrasta para cima

An old indie tower defense game, it’s kinda jank but it has a really nice “homemade” feel to it, the story is shockingly good too, it’s a surreal sci-fi narrative that explores themes of humanity, mortality and duty and uh, I think it does a real good job at it :)

Dreadful, absolutely dreadful.

It's not just the rubber band mechanic, which makes your partner either constantly slow you down or get in your way by going one hundred miles per hour, making the camera shake as if you were both inside of a blender, nor is it just the fact that the power ups screw you over all the time, to the point where you need to wait for them to wear off until you can proceed with the stage, it's also the level design on its own.

I'm gonna be honest, this is one of the most boring games i have ever played in my life. It's bland, uninspiring; there are barely any enemies; there are no real obstacles that get in your way and the game does absolutely nothing interesting with the rubber band mechanic, you know, the mechanic on which the game is based on?

No interesting puzzles, no challenging platform, no rewarding exploration, no twists, no nothing.
Knuckles Chaotix is basically an abysmal 2D walking simulator that drags for over 2 hours.

Boss battles are ungodly too; making it a requirement to land a series of successful hits on an already difficult-to-control game is just straight up immoral.

The bonus stage is awful too; it's constantly suffering from slowdowns, and the 3D hexagonal tubes have this incredibly jarring clipping effect that makes you feel like you are constantly on the verge of falling off the stage, which, by the way, CAN actually happen.

Yes, music is awesome but that doesn't make the game worth it at all.
Would you like to listen to your favorite album while a herd of dogs bite your balls?
This game is like listening to your favorite album while a herd of dogs bite your balls.

This might be one of the hardest games I've actually bothered to beat, and while all of the difficulty is intentional and adds to what the game is trying to convey, which I really respect it for… it is a damn unforgiving experience, and I think one frustrating to the point of ruining a lot of its own atmosphere for me. I have a lot of respect for it, but I couldn't say if I actually think it was worth playing.

They took the one thing that was good about Ridge Racer - its audio-visual presentation - and ditched it in favor of some generic sterile corporate aesthetic. It's empty, hollow and reeks of bullshit like any good example of modern marketing. And you select a corporation you race for? I mean, sure, in R4 you technically had to pick a sponsor, but that was a racing company. Now you have like cloud computing companies or something. Frankly, it's hard to tell what they are, since their very descriptions are filled with that intentionally obscure corporate jargon.

And then you're greeted by one of the most confusing menu systems I've ever seen in a game. I couldn't tell whether this game has no career mode or I just couldn't find it. In fact, I'm not sure about anything with this game. Does it have only 3 tracks? I don't know, but that's sure how it seemed, I think...

And though the tracks are beautiful, why is there blur on the horizon? Whose genius idea was it to blur the backgrounds? Half of the reason I even play racing games is to enjoy driving around nice-looking places listening to good music. Speaking of music, whoever thought House or Trance, or whatever this genre is (let's call it night club dance music), was better than jungle and garage has no taste in music and should never be put in charge of commissioning a soundtrack for a game ever.

Also I see that they still couldn't fix the steering, so instead they just implemented OutRun's drifting to mediate its effects. Well done, this makes the game almost fun. Except I don't understand why anybody would ever wanna play this instead of OutRun.

Now, with the exception of Ridge Racer V, which I still hope to play some day because it looks most appealing to me, I am done with this series. Out of the five games I've played so far, every one of them was a disappointment. And post RRV they really all look very bland and boring.

Every time I play this game I go to sleep tormented by thoughts of it, before beating it it genuinely kept me up at night stuck in a loop of half-lucid nightmares. So I'd say it's pretty good.

A remake of a game that I already loved, and they made it so much better, all the flaws were replaced with virtues, the amazing fan translation was rendered obsolete by an even better official one and all the tiny and big changes they made were aimed just right. 9.5/10 please never make a sequel Square I still don’t trust you

Não tem coop, não da para usar os supremos fora da missão deles e aquele sistema de limitar 4 aliens para se transformar por missão é bem tosco e você nem tinha opção direito, já q uns eram obrigatórios para concluir uns puzzle especifico. Mas tirando isso as boss fight são legais, os supremos são dahora de jogar e a luta final é bem legal.