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The dynamic combat system with the grappling and the weakpoints is very cool, but combat encounters are too easy for you and your pawns not to bulldoze everything. Aside from that, the other interesting thing is the openness of some quests (even though it feels that there is a 'true' path and some other worse ones).

The rest of the game I dont think was very good. Extremely shallow story, side quests, and worldbuilding. Boring equipment variety. Glitchy questlines (to the point I could not complete all side quests during the endgame). Nice exploration feeling but lack of meaningful difference between locations.

And worse of all, pawns and their chatter. Their mere existence is already a weird thing but they wont shut up about basic stuff that you know and you already heard from them. Worsens the feel of the game by a lot.

Also fuck DRM

also tried it again, also better than i remembered, nemesis system is better but more things should happen outside of your control

being able to run from every surprise situation without consequence is also questionable