Reheat please

inspired by @stovetop's list
Games/series I'd like to see make a return
I won't have necessarily engaged with every game/series on this list, but I at least plan to at some point for all of them.

I just recently learned that his game as well as the studio behind it were put on indefinite hold due to health complications for a few core developers. I want to see this complete because not only is it tragic to see a team unable to complete their game under any circumstances, but also because the game getting finished would likely mean the dev team is back in good health and spirits.
I'd like to see a full game get made of this at some point, Celeste but with a grappling hook sounds rad. Granted, I doubt it will ever happen and I think that's a good thing, considering EXOK's talents wouldn't get to shine as much in a sequel compared to a full new game like Earthblade.
I know very little about this series, but I do know that a lot of people want this game to come to fruition, so I'm rooting for it.
Its my favorite game for a reason. Games inspired by it like Hlockey and Terrorball are cool, but nothing has hit at quite the same level as the og Blaseball does.
I doubt a new Darkstalkers comes out anytime soon, all of Capcom's fighting game devs are going to be devoted to street fighter wholly for a while now. A shame considering how damn charming this series is.
Killer Concept and great style, LLB is already a great game, but I think more could be done with it and I'd like to see that happen.
Except its also probably cooked. I don't think Arms is a great game, but I do think it has great potential, and I hope it gets to fulfill said potential at some point.
Just a cool-ass game
This is just a cool series, I'd hate to see it abandoned, but I doubt it's coming back, especially after Arms basically replaced it as Nintendo's boxing game...
Another bygone Nintendo series I'd love to have back, unfortunately I think its a case like Dark stalkers, where Nintendo won't want to have two racing games competing against each other, even though they are very clearly different games.
Maybe Pizza Tower'll be enough to give Nintendo some new ideas? Please?
This is a stand in for both traditional Zelda, and Zelda remakes with cool, distinct art styles not necessarily like this specifically, just something fresh would be nice.
Please someone anyone bring Tango back I beg of you


1 month ago

I agree with Punch-Out so hard, it really is one of the most unique and fun series Nintendo has made and there's not really anything else like it to fill that niche.

1 month ago

Last I heard about it, Katana Zero was still developing its Sequel/DLC, but it has been in development for who knows now, the most recent thing they did was dropping an april fools patch for the game in 2023

1 month ago

@VSLazer yeah, unless Arms comes back with a lot more charm, I don't see the punch out void being filled.
@HunterMashnI hope it is in development and its just covid that stretched out dev time, but 5 years and counting since the og game without any real news is worrying.
What I'd give for a new Wario World. Gimme a new one that gives Wario more combos, has more puzzles to solve, and is like double the length and I'm sold. Basically, give me a DMC-like game starring Wario. That's all I want.

1 month ago

Alice Asylum is sadly never getting made. EA shoot the pitch, the devs prepared for it, down immediatly and American Mcgee has moved on to focus on his family instead of chasing a game he will never get to make. Sad to see it die, but still wish the best for American Mcgee and his family.

1 month ago

@UrLocalBanktoad the masses yearn for more 3D warriors action
@NovaNiles that’s a shame, good for Mcgee to get some more family time at the very least

1 month ago

It’s crazy to think about how Katana Zero is about to turn 5 years old in like 6 days and we still don’t know too much about the dlc outside of the gameplay shown in 2022 😭. I hope we get some new info for the anniversary at least

1 month ago

time for frolf (ribbit king) to come back

1 month ago

We got an update on Twitter from Katana Zero devs about 10 hours ago, and it's still being worked on.

1 month ago

@Lightmereee I actually just saw that lol, thank you for reminding me, I've updated the list accordingly

1 month ago

Honestly, I miss lower-budget Zelda games, with top-down perspectives in particular. If we're gonna wait like 7 years for the next Zelda game, at least feed us something in the meantime.
While I do like Breath of the Wild and TOTK, I have to agree with this. I kind of wish for some more of the old style of Zelda games. There was something so quaint about the progression of earlier Zelda games where you start off at small towns, minding your own business before evil comes. Breath of the Wild just throws it all at your face in one second, as soon as you leave the cave its like "OK, here is the entire world of this game". It gets rid of the quaint and whimsical feel imo. I really want a Oracle of Seasons/Ages remake.

1 month ago

@DizzySkullKid19 For sure, and I think both can exist if they alternate between the, I just don't know how likely that is to happen.

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