Reviews from

in the past

Really glad I played this on computer instead of console, that’s really where its various mechanics can be most naturally surprising and compelling. Plot is a bit loose for my tastes and gameplay is not always riveting, but it was so inventive where it counts

It has an interesting premise, but its not really enough to carry the game through its entire runtime. There isn't much going on mechanically and the story does an awkward job of balancing depth with brevity. If you only play the original route then the game falls flat and doesn't offer enough substance to make the experience feel worthwhile, while playing the expanded version and true route inflates the story with more plot threads than the game can give justice to with its short runtime.

Mechanically, there isn't really anything of note. You solve a few simple puzzles and, while they occasionally involve going outside the game to check files on your computer and do similar stuff, it never felt all that meaningful to the experience. It felt like more of a reminder so you don't forget the game is all cool and meta rather than anything that actually pushes the experience further.

What OneShot does have going for it is its charm. Niko is a cute character and its hard not to have at least a little bit of affection for him. The general vibe of each area also works effectively at showing how the world is slowly decaying and falling apart. But while it did work, charm alone isn't enough to carry an entire game.

OneShot isn't bad per se, but it definitely fell below my expectations. While there are a few neat ideas at play they lacked enough depth to feel satisfying on their own nor did they have enough cohesion to work well as a patchwork of many small concepts. It's a short enough game that these issues aren't too grating, but it does mean this ended up being a much more forgettable experience than I was expecting.

took an hour to make the final choice

For all its flaws, and I think there's a lot of them, this game was the reason I came up with the name I'll use for the rest of my life, and Niko was the first person to ever hear it. And for that, it'll always hold an important place in my heart.

solid game with cool 4th wall breaking puzzles, but i still have to replay it and do the solstice content

Dude this game is so underrated. One of my favorites of all time. This game has beautiful soundtrack, niko is so loveable (and a marketable plushie) The story is heartwarming and I just love the mechanics of the game using your computer as a mechanic, its such an underutilized game mechanic.


Отвратительно. Игра сделанная на рпг мейкере и наследующая все мерзкие стороны игр на нем - интерфейс, алогичность загадок и тд. К играм на этом движке итак применяется огромнейшая скидка по внешнему виду, так как предполагается что это позволяет развернуться на полную нарративу, миру и истории. Но тут мы имеем очень слабенький клон андертейла который выжимает эмоции на том что "блин маленький котик хочет вернуться к маме((", проработка мира заканчивается на паре предложений, в остальном же это просто максимально посредственная игра, чья популярность к сожалению объяснима.

This game and everything about it hits so hard, it's so perfectly crafted and Niko feels like such a real person... I miss them

esse jogo me viciou em panquecas

A very fun and cute game about a not-cat that everyone should play

Esse jogo é uma fofura, e tem mecânicas muito legais!
De fato algumas coisinhas se embolam um pouquinho na jogatina, acho que por causa do mapa gigantesco, mas não me incomodou tanto assim.

Amei os segredos da “rejogada” e a história em si me deixou bem emocionado.
Palmas pros produtores por fazerem ume protagonista que pode ser canonicamente afirmade como não binárie. Eu sorrio toda vez que lembro. Te alo Niiko.

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eu te amo niko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eu amo o niko

Magnifico! O jogo que mais quebra a quarta parede que já vi. Os enigmas e a forma como o jogo interage com o player é muito criativa. O jogo me fez chorar duas vezes e virou um dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida. One Shot, é uma obra de arte.

super cute and heartwarming meta story about letting go. Made me cry a lot niko is really well written and the world is so full.

I can see why this game is praised so much but I've kind of moved past the need for what OneShot is selling

I expected an indie revelation and One Shot was not the case.

It's a fine little game, it has some clever ideas but it all feels very simple narrative and gameplay-wise. I don't feel the need to replay it to get the secret ending. It just felt ok and very much overhyped from what I read. Maybe it just wasn't my cup of tea 🤷

a collection of "woah that's so weird" moments with a pretty interesting story to back

I'm not going to say much about OneShot, because it is simply one of those games you should go into blind. But OneShot has one of the best stories I've ever experienced in a game, and I've never felt a greater connection towards a story in a video game.

If I must reveal something about this game, I might as well mention my favorite quirk. This game goes through a great effort to incorporate you as a player into the narrative. And I don't mean going through your system files to see the name you use for your computer profile so they can say your real name. I mean incorporating you and your role in this game into the story in an actually meaningful way. I have never seen this done before in a video game, and it was wonderful.

this game was sooo good to play but maybe too short and also it deserve a lot of popularity cause the story is very good,play it.

Juego bonito, simple, puede darte un poco de susto al principio pero te encariñas muy rapido con el :3

Bem criativo o storytelling e as interações, reconheço o porque fez sucesso no cenário indie, valeu a pena a experiência.

Esse jogo é bem peculiar. Não posso falar muito sobre, apenas jogue se tiver tempo, não é muito longo

Uno de esos juegos donde es mejor no saber nada. Está bien aunque en cierto punto pierde la gracia para mi.

de todas as experiências metagaming essa foi provavelmente a que mais me pegou, o vínculo que o jogo te faz criar com o personagem principal é uma coisa que eu nunca tinha visto em um jogo antes e foi o que tornou essa experiência tão boa

é legalzinho e trabalha bem o conceito do "oneshot"...............porem nao sei......... nao me prendeu tanto, tanto que levei um tempinho pra terminar
quebra a quarta parede de formas interessantes mas acho que acaba se embolando em alguns momentos... os bagulhos que eram pra ser usados só lá no final eu encontrei no início procurando coisa que era pra usar no lugar onde eu tava...
comecei a quebrar a regra mas fiquei com preguicinha e acabei perdendo meu acesso ao game então não rolou de qualquer forma... mas talvez seja melhor assim mesmo.
daria meia estrela a menos pela miinha experiência pessoal mas reconheço o brilho da obra e o trabalho com o conceito então tome aí 4

What the fuck did I waste my time on as a kid man this shit is one of the coolest thing I've ever seen in a while

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Cara, que experiência incrível. Todo mundo que goste de Undertale deve pelo menos tentar jogar isso aqui.
Sempre adoro quando as mídias que estou experienciando brincam com o fato de serem ficcionais ou quando quebram a quarta parede, e OneShot dá uma aula nesse quesito. A campanha Solstice do NG+ é incrível. Recomendadíssimo.