Bat Boy

Bat Boy

released on May 25, 2023
by X Plus

Bat Boy

released on May 25, 2023
by X Plus

A Sentai sports hero 8-bit action adventure! Bat Boy and his fellow sports-star friends secretly battle against the evil invading forces of Lord Vicious, hell-bent on hosting sinister athletic events for his own amusement!

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Bat Boy is pretty much a shorter and cheaper Shovel Knight. Altho it might sound like i'm saying it is inferior, Bat Boy has enough charm that makes it stand on it's own.

While shovel knight plays around the idea of every character being a knight with a fun gimmick, Bat Boy is basically a Tokusatsu meets Sports manga, where every single character and level is based around a specific sport practiced in japanese school clubs.

The levels all incorporate the theme really well, and the way how every time you defeat a boss they teach you a new mechanic for your moveset makes the profression feel really good.

Overall i think that Bat Boy is a very solid game that you can easlly find for less than 5 bucks in those fanatical bundles and is very much worth its price.

A little biased since classic Mega Man and Shovel Knight are some of my favorite games ever, but Bat Boy is another amazing retro indie title that fits right into that camp, and is just as good as Shovel Knight - if not better.

Bat Boy follows the same structure as Shovel Knight where you given paths to tackle levels in various orders, each with a distinctly themed level and a great bossfight at the end. The heavy Mega Man influence is around the theming of the bosses/levels where Mega Man has various robot bosses with an element (e.g. fire, water) and a corresponding theme for their level (e.g. Volcano, beach) - whereas Bat Boy's bosses and levels are all themed around a different sport (e.g. Tennis, Soccer). This is such a cool concept as the character you play as, Bat Boy, would be the "robot master" of baseball and you'll have to conquer each level/boss of a different kind of sport. It is an amazing concept and it is executed very well.

Gameplay-wise, it is much much closer to Shovel Knight as it is melee focused alongside having some abilities that use a magic bar. You even have an aerial attack that bounces you off enemies, just like Ducktales/Shovel Knight. If you have played Shovel Knight, this game feels no different - and I mean that as a compliment since the controls/gameplay of Shovel Knight is designed so well, I don't mind it being ripped off in other games.

Level design is pretty much perfect where it felt challenging at all times, but never unfair. The checkpoints are placed nicely throughout the levels. There is so much incentive to explore the levels as you can find many upgrades for your health and magic bar. The hidden upgrades are never too tricky to find and you can usually find them on your first playthrough of a level, if you are the type to look at every nook and cranny of the stage.

Similar to Mega Man and Shovel Knight as well (as if everything in this game is not similar) is the feature to equip a boss move after you defeat them. I especially like it in this game since each move has a theme of a different sport. Like there's a boss move that will have you throwing basket balls, or launching tennis balls that allow you to do a double jump. It's much more interesting than just having a weapon around a theme of an element (the fire attack, the ice attack).
The cool thing is, unlike Mega Man and Shovel Knight, rather than having to go and equip the boss weapon to use it, ALL boss weapons are permanently integrated into you moveset at all times. So by the end of the game, you will have every single boss move on your fingertips ready to use at all times by pressing it's assigned button, as long as you have magic.

I didn't expect Bat Boy to be this good. Usually there is buzz around games like these such high buzz Gravity Circuit got, but for some reason I didn't hear about this game till recently so I was quite surprised when I started playing it. If you are a fan of games like classic Mega Man, Shovel Knight, Gravity Circuit etc etc Please go and play this game. You are doing yourself a great disservice and missing out on what could be one of your favorite games ever.

Gran juego de plataformas que hace mucha semenjanza a Shovel Knight y Megaman por el diseño y gameplay, un pixel art muy agradable y lo que destacaría mucho, so los kameos y el humor que se presenta en el juego, me hizo reir con los cometarios. 100% recomendado, el único detalle es que tal vez pudo tener un poco más de variedad de ataque de los jefes y un leve más de enemigos, están bien, pero podrían hacerse un poco más y revisar los detalles de gramática de las versiones diferentes a inglés.

Wonderful nod to classic action platformer like Mega Man, Ducktales, and Shovel Knight. Excellent platforming, great power up abilities, and creative enemies make for very engaging gameplay that doesn't overstay its welcome.

The aesthetic, music, and writing is spot-on for people who have already had plenty of fun with games in this genre.

Overall, very happy to have played this game, and completing it was a rewarding process, though there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Such a great, charming throwback. Could rate it even higher if I wasn't so bad at 2D platformers.

A game I really liked when I first started playing, the gameplay felt smooth and the retro style is always charming. Now that I am finished I think the game is kinda messy but still enjoyable at least to me. The biggest issue to me is the later half of the game is kinda a mess, the levels just start to lose the cohesive charm the first part of the game did, you start to also notice how the powerup system kinda fails.
The mega man esque gain more powers as you beat bosses seems great on paper here but with how the game is set up I found outside of the first two power ups there was no reason to use any of them. It just makes getting them feel more lame than anything else. The only one that was really game changing (outside of the first two again) is the wall jump which is a whole other can of worms. The fact the wall climb was a later game unlock means the game barely uses it mechanically it also kinda just sucks so I kinda wish they did not do it. Story is kinda cute, it's small and written like a saturday morning cartoon but I feel like that was the point so it was fun with it. I still enjoyed the game but I wish it was a little tighter with its unlocks and later levels. I also think the final fight was awful straight up, the first phase was too easy and the second phase was just taxing with how it throws a new gimmick at you and expects you to master it for the fight.