Car Tycoon

Car Tycoon

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Car Tycoon

releases on TBD

Car Tycoon is a manager game in which you are the owner of a car company that produces and sells cars. You start in the 1950's in a small town somewhere in the USA. You build a factory, a car shop and a repair facility (most of your money is gone by then) and start to produce cars. By selling them, you'll get money to invent new parts which will then power your new car models. There are up to 3 computer players which want to become rich, too.

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This game is so niche I literally heard of nobody else who played it before. What’s more amazing is the fact it is a very solid management game in my opinion.

You have 4 car companies to choose from and run an auto factory, dealer, and repair shop. There are many different scenarios which are essentially the challenges of this game. Completing one allows you to unlock new maps and the next challenges.

The business side of the game is implemented extremely well. Each company starts with a chassis and body they specialize in and can invest money into R&D of new body types and chassis. You can also go to city hall and bid for additional factories, dealers, and repair shops. You can even set up discount events for your cars to boost sales. There was a lot more panels in this game that I unfortunately can’t remember well. I do remember, however, that they are all extremely detailed and provide a very immersive experience.

Speaking of immersive, you can also tell how you are competing with the other AIs based on the cars in the streets. Each company is assigned a unique color. So if your company is doing well, the entire streets would be filled with the cars of your color. Cars will also get demolished every now and then and you will slowly see new cars displace old cars. It was a fantastic experience like no other.

I always wonder why this game didn’t caught on among the general public. I suspect a major reason to be how confusing the objectives can be for some scenarios. I remember there was this one scenario I just couldn’t pass at all even when the entire streets were filled with cars of my color. There are also some scenarios set in later dates yet your starter car is still a 50s car. How does that make any sense?

The game also just gets old really fast. There is no online mode and you can only play with 4 pretty easily cheesed AIs. The overall mechanics also get repetitive very quickly as you will be pretty much doing the same thing to get ahead. After some good time, I just didn’t feel like playing the game anymore.

This game was surprisingly good given how niche it is. I have no idea how you can access now but if you are into management types of games, give it a shot! I sure had a blast when I played it.