Curse of the Dead Gods

Curse of the Dead Gods

released on Feb 23, 2021

Curse of the Dead Gods

released on Feb 23, 2021

You seek untold riches, eternal life, divine powers - it leads to this accursed temple, a seemingly-infinite labyrinth of bottomless pits, deadly traps, and monsters. Your greed will lead you to death, but that is not an escape. Rise to fight again. Delve deeper again. Defy the malignant deities that linger in this place. Battle through hordes of enemies in dark, cavernous passages filled with traps and secrets of all sorts - fire-spewing statues, explosives, hidden spikes, and worse. Collect mystical Relics and an arsenal of weapons to make yourself unstoppable. Corruption builds in you with every step - encourage or ignore it, but each powerful curse can be a double-edged sword. - A skill-based roguelike exploring a cruel, dark temple made of endless rooms and corridors - Swords, spears, bows, guns - wield these and many more - Unique curses influence each attempt, putting a twist on every action - Dozens of enemies, with powerful champions and deadly bosses to face off against

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i kid you not, it was too easy for me, will finish it at some point definitely, its a great game

przed ograniem gdzieś kiedyś usłyszałem że jest to gra zdecydowanie lepsza od hadesa. Nie żałuję zakupu i wszystko byłoby w pytke gdyby nie mały szczegół, moje rozczarowanie po odpaleniu wynikające z dużych nadziei i ogromnego kłamstwa jakie kiedyś gdzieś usłyszałem - 6/10

um bom rogue like com uma dificuldade okay , ainda nao terminei 100% porem algum dia talvez eu vá kkk

"Death is not the end; it is a new beginning."

_(´ཀ`」 ∠) _ Embark on an exhilarating journey through the shadows of Curse of the Dead Gods, where every step is a test of skill and nerve. With its compelling blend of exploration and combat, this roguelike adventure will keep you riveted for hours on end. But beware: like the curses that haunt its halls, once you're drawn into its grip, escape becomes a distant dream. While its difficulty may prove daunting for newcomers, seasoned players will relish the challenge. And for those who thrive on the thrill of evading traps and curses, this game is a sanctuary you'll never want to leave.