Don't Take This Risk

Don't Take This Risk

releases on TBD

Don't Take This Risk

releases on TBD

An emotionally disturbed individual calls the suicide hotline and the player has to calm him down.

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Okay, so I'm starting to go through a huge video game iceberg that I found thanks to both YouTube and Reddit and this game happened to be one of the shorter games on the list and was free.

So, here's the thing, I have clinical depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I think the game does an okay job of capturing what that state of mind is like for another person outside of that situation... I didn't make it too far into the game to know what else could have happened as I got ending #1, so keep this in mind when I say that I can relate.

I have a serious problem with the developer shoehorning an advertisement for their next video game into this horrible situation.

I can forgive some of the voiceover work as we find out a little more about the character as the game progresses. The fact that there are many multiple endings is a bit strange too, as if someone would want to collect all of the alternative endings to achieve 100% completion on such a dark game.

I don't know. Overall, I feel fairly negative toward the game.
Let's say it's bad: 3/10.