Einhänder is a futuristic side-scrolling shooter featuring explosive visuals, pounding techno music, and simulated 3D gameplay.

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This game busted my balls, but I enjoyed it all the same. What really elevates the gameplay are the ability to switch between multiple auxiliary weapons at a time and change movement speed on the fly, adding an extra layer to an already solid tried-and-true formula. Of course, Squaresoft delivered on the visual and sound department as usual, which round this game out nicely as the cherry-and-sprinkles on top. Some of the later stages got a bit too tough for me (skill issue, I know) and became a bit more of a chore, but I can't knock the game too hard for it.

For me, Einhander is one of those odd cases where the game as a whole is rather unremarkable in what it does, and truthfully, I just don't have much to say about it. You're a gunship, and you shoot down some robots, the usual shtick. Yet at the same time, the game is extremely polished, and fun enough to play that I can barely pinpoint any flaws about it, nor am I bored playing it. It's hard, for sure, but the shooting is punchy, the weaponry's good too, the music's pulling its weight, and perhaps most interestingly, it's a 2.5D game that runs at a smooth 60fps, something I always love to see on a system that usually gets me used to 30fps gameplay.

I also found the ending pretty cool, a unique left field turn for the shoot'em up genre which usually has endings as basic as "Congratulations, you are a hero!" In some ways, I think that ending is why Einhander got stuck in my head so much. If it weren't for that, it would've just been yet another shoot'em up amongst many. And to most extents, it kinda is. But it's lucky enough in the sense that the Squaresoft polish shines through, and elevates it well enough amongst its peers.

Einhänder is one the most difficult games I've ever played. In addition, it is different in most of the aspects from the other Shoot'em up games. At first, it has a story! And a good one, especially when explained by YouTubers.
In the second hand we have a great music.
In addition there is a really well-done Graphics and design... I don't know how to explain but it's really good. I was enjoying the atmosphere, colors and light in between of a hell of bullets.
And the gameplay... What the creators thinking when they've been making the difficulty options... Normal Easy Hard doesn't matter, you gonna see your ship slowly drowning in the air a lot of time! First three missions are not that hard but after that you will cry loud as f...

One of the best shooters on the Playstation. This is a game that really tests your skill with the controls, memorize enemy patterns, learn the Gunpods' characteristics, and find the best combination of Gunpods that will propel you through the entire game. In Einhander, you can destroy enemy ships and take control of their Gunpods and use them as their own. Depending on the ship you use, you can use up to three gunpods. Gunpods can also act as shields. Another thing I like is how this game has a checkpoint system. While some may detest this change, I find this is a very neat addition. Rather than a continue system that drops you where you left, the game takes you back to a predestined point. The player has to progress on their own merits rather than using continues to inch through the game. It also helps since they teleport you back to a safe spot with no enemy ships and also provides spare gunpods. Arcade shooters suffer from this. They have the player build themselves up over time, gathering the most powerful weapons, only to die and be left defenseless. A few minutes later, you end losing all your lives because of that one mistake. This might discourage a player from attempting the game again but Einhander is different. When you die, it's very clear why you die. Since this game was released on a home console, it allows players to develop strategies after trial and error. Einhander can be challenging at points but it's never impossible. Also the soundtrack is some of the best music in a video game. My personal favorites would be Shudder, Badlands, Bloody Battle, Earthlight, and Zero Gravity. I also really adore the presentation. Something I really like about it is the shot framing. You really look like a badass as the game zooms in on you while the enemy is about to explode. I think my only real complaint about this game is the story. It's something that mostly takes a seat in the background, and I think they could've went more with it. Still, the end product definitely wasn't bad.

Einhander is known as one of the better shooters on the PSX, which says something as this console has many great shooters. Presenting you with charming low poly models, this works in hand with the futuristic gundam-like artstyle the game is going for.

What makes Einhander unique from other shooters is the weapon switching system. Depending on the ship you choose, you can hold up to 3 sub weapons and freely switch between them. This adds a little more strategy to the game as the difficulty is hard as hell, but if you have the right weapons for the right situations, it will help you get through this tough challenge. For example, in a section with a lot of tiny enemies that swarm you, you might want to use the spread or gatling gun sub weapons. For situations with armored enemies, you might want to use the cannon or grenade sub weapons. It's up to you, but there are multiple ways to make some of the enemies and bosses easier.

As this is a squaresoft game, you will naturally get a great soundtrack and visuals, and Einhander is no exception. It is considered not only a great shooter, but also a great experience due to Square's production. The low poly 3D used for robots and machines result in a satisfying crunchy explosion as you fly by and shoot enemies down. There are also many set pieces with that switch your camera view from a 2D to 3D plane, just so Square can flex their production and give it the epicness that their games usually have.

My only gripes with Einhander is the fact that there seems to be a little input delay on the movement which can significantly contribute to the difficulty, and also the analog controls aren't fully implemented in the sense where you can't use the analog stick for precise movement, and instead acts more like a digital D-pad. The difficulty can also be frustratingly chaotic towards the end.

I don't think we ever got another shooter like this from Square ever again (Unless you count the Gummi ship sections from Kingdom Hearts), so we like to cherish this one as a special title and experiment from the teams who were experts in delivering quality RPGs at the time.

I've played a lot of shmups and can safely say this is one of the best I've ever played. The arm switching and ship types add a surprising level of depth to what would otherwise be a pretty straightforward game. Great music and atmosphere too, but I'd expect no less from Square in their prime. It's a little on the shorter side, but it's helped by Hard difficulty being no slouch.