Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

released on Jun 21, 2024

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

released on Jun 21, 2024

An expansion for Elden Ring

In Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree players step into the Land of Shadow to explore a new adventure full of mysteries and danger, to confront threatening bosses with new weapons and armor. Follow in the footsteps of Miquella and unravel the dark side of the Elden Ring story. The Shadow of the Erdtree expansion features an all-new story set in the Land of Shadow imbued with mystery, perilous dungeons, and new enemies, weapons and equipment. Discover uncharted territories, face formidable adversaries, and revel in the satisfying triumph of victory. Dive into the riveting interplay of characters, where drama and intrigue intertwine, that create an immersive experience to savor and enjoy.

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Elden Ring is one of my favourite games of all time. So I was very excited to play Shadow of the Erdtree.Now that I finished this dlc twice I can tell my opinion about the game. Sadly I am disappointed.I did not like the world design in the dlc the world feels like a big maze and there is a lot of big open spaces which has nothing to do in and also I think the Scadutree and spirit ash system is lazy. The sense of exploration was the thing about elden ring and it is dead in this dlc when I finish a mini dungeon in this dlc I ask myself why did I do this my reward is shitty weapon or a summon which I will never use .The only useful item you can find while exploring is the Scadu tree fragments and finding them is very boring.Also side bosses in this dlc is so repetitive that when I saw the ghostflame dragon for the 5th time I said this is enough and did not killed any other mini boss in the dlc again.Lets talk I about legacy dungeons another downgrade in my opinion .Belurat was alright castle ensis was the worst thing ever and shadow keep had a great design but did not interested me atmospherewise, Midra Manse had a great atmosphere and different enemy designs but when I saw the same enemy’s in the dlc final dungeon ‘Enir İlim’ I was pissed.Enir ilim felt like artificial difficulty at times but it was alright. The new weapons armor and talismans are pretty good and creative there are some new weapon types too and they look and play cool.Bosses in this dlc are way harder than the base game .They require nearly perfect dodge timing and you have to time your flask consumption too otherwise you’re done.Dancing lion,rellana,Midra and Messmer were cool fights and radahn 1st phase was also good but 2nd phase of radahn is straight up unfair and feels like a firework show not a damn boss battle .In conclusion I am very disappointed with this dlc .

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SOTE does everything the base game does just to a compacted and tbh, slightly higher standard

with insane level design, insane lore revelations, and extremely memorable bosses, this rlly is just an insanely expansive and great DLC

BIG HOWEVER -- I was not a fan of a certain controversial boss's second phase

and controversial opinion, i rlly loved fighting the petruscent knight, its honestly tied with messmer for my fav boss gameplay wise

The same sense of wonderment and exploration with very challenging boss fights. Even though the world feels more sparse and some of the bosses feel a bit unfair, this dlc was amazing nonetheless.

Radahn's second phase on ng+ is so bs 😭, also you basically have to unlearn the timing of moves you learnt in the first phase to survive second phase, one mistake with the lightning aoe and you're toast. Atleast Journey 1 was slightly fair compared to this. He's a good fight but they gotta nerf the damage he deals in the second phase cuz ain't no way. Some of his moves end up one shoting you despite you being far away from impact and I was on scadu level 20 on ng+ and around 15 or 16 in journey 1 when I faced him, so that wasn't the issue. I'm glad I'm done with the fight, imagine peeps facing him at ng+7 without even collecting enough scadus 💀. Also, seeing Miquella hanging on top of Radahn's back in the second phase is hilarious! I couldn't even make that out during gameplay with all the AoE.
Good dlc, great boss fights, exploration is still bland but since this was like an instant replay, I was able to navigate fast enough and finish both base game and dlc quickly under 37 hours on ng+ with the dlc taking around 19 hours alone 💀

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Very good expansion. That expansion was literally like a mini sequel with how much content it carried. Easily one of the best games that Fromsoft produced.
Messmer is one of the best boss battles from that expansion.
Radahn's 2nd phase is miserable to learn. I had to cheese that shit :P

Disparado melhor que o jogo base, mas teve problemas de performance fudido, principalmente no boss final, de resto é perfeita