Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition

Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition

released on Oct 22, 2008

Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition

released on Oct 22, 2008

Far Cry 2: Fortune's Edition includes the full Far Cry 2 game, the Fortune's Pack DLC, and all previously released patches.

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Fortune's Edition

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Melhor ambientação de toda a série. Não é a melhor gameplay. O vilão é a semente do que Vaas é em Far Cry 3. A economia é quebrada. A trilha sonora é marcante. A história é muito, muito interessante. Mecânicas muito além de seu tempo, um passo a frente que a Ubisoft nunca mais seguiu adiante.

Enfim, o melhor Far Cry para mim. E bônus: tem a reviravolta mais inesperada que eu já vi em um jogo. Me pegaram totalmente desprevenido no final.

I really enjoyed this one. For some reason, I like gun jamming.

Now, the open world is a bit constrained, and it really wants you to travel select paths where you get never-ending enemy respawns. This may be the biggest annoyance, but otherwise a solid open world shooter with gritty action.

the most underrated far cry. it is a great game, with a great map and a story better than the most recent far cry games. it is not linear, you can explore and follow the story as you want. good one.

Gosto da gameplay de far cry, e a do 2 achei muito peak, porem a historia é beeeem fraquinha

There are few other video games which force you to violently dislodge a hunk of rebar from your midsection after being caught in an unfortunate explosion. There are fewer yet which might force you to mercy-kill a close friend; all it takes is one errant firefight gone wrong without enough medical supplies. And, indeed, there have not been enough games that drop the player into such an unfamiliar and hostile environment with such haste, to great effect.

Not only is the Fortune's Edition on PC the best way to play "Far Cry 2", but it very well be the best Far Cry game, especially if you are less impressed by the aggressive gameplay polishing which happened started with "Far Cry 3".

Don't forget your malaria pills.

Malária comendo e missões chatas, gostei.