Haunting Ground

Haunting Ground

released on Apr 21, 2005

Haunting Ground

released on Apr 21, 2005

The story follows Fiona Belli, a young girl who the player must guide through Belli Castle and its immediate environments in an effort to escape. Along the way, players must solve puzzles, unlock doors and evade, hide or attempt to fight against the castle's inhabitants. Fiona is accompanied by Hewie, a White Shepherd and the two must work as a team to solve certain puzzles and outwit their pursuers.

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perfect stalker horror that likes to take it slow. brilliant story telling about womanhood. can't believe i only played it years later but im glad to finish it not once but thrice.

Me entristece el resultado de este videojuego, pues el inicio era como mínimo interesante, pero finalmente muta en un juego absoluta y completamente cansino, todos los enemigos son odiosos, pero no en un sentido que aporte a la experiencia al generarte desprecio, sino que genuinamente son insoportables, todo el rato hablando, haciendo la única misma acción y siendo tan ridículamente fáciles que verlos solo es tedioso por que sabes que retrasará tú avance hasta que los pierdas, lo que se adereza a una IA del perro que cuando te están atacando o cuando más lo necesitas no hace absolutamente nada, lo que es solo igual de insoportable que lo imprecisa que es Fiona y en general, torpe, no solo controlandola sino como personaje, siendo tan tonta que es absurdo, incluso siendo evidente que es alargado tontamente, menos duración hubiera mejorado en todo a la obra, esencialmente por lo repetitiva que es, ni hablar del diseño de puzzles que avaces absurdo y es una insensatez que con el mapa solo puedas ver los puntos de guardado y no marcar las cosas, lo que vuelve el acabar el juego sin una guía en un martirio. El apartado gráfico y artístico son sobresalientes, la música muy genial y el apartado sonoro adecuado. Para nada recomendable.

First game to master it all!

I'm a survival horror fanatic and I had been dying to try out this game. I specifically love fem protags and the psychosexual themes in this game were a huge thing for me

I thought it was a great game, but sometimes it would get boring or tedious to run around and also forcing you to actually hide from the stalkers to be able to lose them fully was a great detail even if I suffered more because of that... the last few segments of the game were the most annoying, an invisible stalker is just INSANE! The music was amazing and really set the mood, the dog mechanic was a bit clunky at times and I lost my patience but it was good. I would've given this game 5 stars if I had liked the controls more. Daniella was one of the best character I've ever seen and I wish we had known even more about her

I achieved endings A and C, I don't care for the others so I will consider it mastered

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I wrote probably too much analysis of a few specific aspects of Haunting Ground below so before anyone sees that I just want to do a quick summation of my general thoughts on Haunting Ground. It's interesting but is often in conflict with itself! There's some really strong atmosphere moments and the relationship between Fiona and Hewie is interesting in the ways that it affects typical player agency in a survival horror game!

Anyways, onto what I originally wrote:

It really takes me out of a survival horror game when the breasts of my teenage character bounce with just about every movement. The character design and the game's cinematography is truly built by and for the male gaze. It's a shame because the way the fixed camera angles shift as you explore corridors and rooms are, at times, incredible, but more often than not it feels less like "how can we veil and disguise the spaces you inhabit through the camera?" and more like "yo, look at this new revealing angle to check out Fiona!"

While it may be easy to shrug this off as it being a product of its time, I think it extends deeper into the narrative itself. Fiona's ability to survive the terrors around her is mostly out of her hands and, by extension, the player's until the very end of the game. Time and time again, regardless of how well she does, she's rescued from near death or extreme violence by a man who only exists as a name on a piece of paper, Lorenzo. While there are narrative reasons for these "rescues", these moments emphasize the idea that Fiona isn't a full character; she exists for most of the story as Lorenzo's toy and for the entire game as the player's toy, in ways far more insidious than a typical player character in a game is reduced to.

I do think there's an interesting thread about feminine identity with Daniella's character. There are moments early on in the first chapter where Daniella appears to come to the aid of Fiona to protect her from male (sexual) violence. While fleeting, there's a sense that there could be a partnership between the two and an opportunity for both to escape the oppression of the manor. Of course, this partnership comes to fruition with Hewie, the dog, and not Daniella. Her fate becomes sealed when she seems to lose her mind when her interactions with another woman (well, another girl) allow her to see just how greatly her inability to sense (taste, smell, etc.) and feel impacts her. While the other boss fights end with something falling on the enemy or the enemy falling to their death, Daniella dies when a body-sized piece of glass penetrates her midsection or womb. The decision to have Daniella die in this way is in conversation with ending D and suggests that Daniella was previously in Fiona's shoes. As the game cuts to credits, it zooms out from Fiona's face as she laughs deliriously and appears to be cut off from her senses just like Daniella. This shifts the through line from feminine identity to biological essentialism and, in turn, prevents either character from developing to any real extent which hinders just about everything the game seeks to accomplish.

This game did not get any worse on a replay, I still adored it and found even more appreciation than before. Very awesome overall