Hyper Olympic

Hyper Olympic

released on Jun 21, 1985
by Konami

Hyper Olympic

released on Jun 21, 1985
by Konami

A port of Hyper Olympic

The original Famicom version of Track & Field is very different from the version released internationally. It has less events and is programmed to use special controllers in a way to simulate the arcade game.

Also in series

Track & Field
Track & Field
International Track & Field
International Track & Field
'88 Games
'88 Games
Track & Field II
Track & Field II
Hyper Olympic

Released on


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Too short to be of any major consequence. A fantastic version of the arcade game, with different events, but only four of them! So anything beyond two-player hi-jinks means the replay value is sorely lacking, a shame. Also something of a redundant release as it was updated a month later in Japan by Hyper Sports: Gentai Ban, the game that went on to be known as Track and Field in the west, which had eight events to participate in.