Letter League

Letter League

released on Oct 17, 2022

Letter League

released on Oct 17, 2022

Letter League is an Activity that we've developed here at Discord. Letter League is a game where you and your friends take turns placing letters on a shared game board to create words in a crossword-style. Spelling words with high earning letters and placing letters on special spaces earn players more points, so get your dictionaries and thesauri ready!

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Why in god's name is it so fucking hard to play Scrabble with multiple people and not in Words with Friends format? Have y'all tried finding Scrabble on the internet lately? You'd think it was only a 2 player game. I have a 70s Scrabble board. It's fucking not. It's embarrassing that Discord are the only people who went out and got that shit done.

for all the shit discord gets, the added activities are a great way to shoot the shit while playing a game

plus it's hilarious to play something like "rejacketed" and piss off literally everyone

No better game to play at 3am with friends

genuinely the only more than 2 person scrabble game readily accessible for some reason. i have no clue why nobody else can do this. my rating will go down a star or a half if someone makes a web version of scrabble with a proper dictionary and that doesn't break constantly

Kino, but like, for video games.