

released on Jun 02, 2020


released on Jun 02, 2020

Players will experience a story about a world where government authorities use advanced technology to manipulate the population. Civil rights are a thing of the past, with the government engaging in complete surveillance of every citizen in the world. Social media activity, online payments, and GPS location tracking from mobile devices are just some of the ways every single person is being monitored. In this world, there are insurgents resisting this oppression, fighting for their freedom, while government agents try to maintain order and control. In Liberated, players will experience both sides of this conflict, with every choice they make changing the course of the story.

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O game passa em uma sociedade sem liberdade, o governo controla cada movimento da população através de câmeras e um sistema de pontuação, um grupo que se auto-intitula Liberated se rebela contra o sistema e luta para abrir os olhos da população, o jogo te da diferentes perspectivas daquele universo, é bem legal, principalmente a primeira HQ da DLC, essa foi muito boa.
O incrível desse game não está necessariamente na história e sim na maneira em que ela é contada, foi uma escolha única, o jogo se passa dentro de páginas de uma HQ, bom roteiro, diálogos que possuem uma boa dublagem e artes incríveis, desde personagens a ambientes, uma arte muito boa.
A gameplay é plataforma, achei meio truncada a movimentação e o tiro, mas não estragam a experiência, tem uns 7 puzzles, que por sinal são bem divertidos.
Fique feliz em ter achado esse game, nunca tinha visto nada sobre ele, achei em uma lista de recomendação na steam, paguei 8 reais e valeu cada centavo, em uma promoção vale muito a pena, cheio acho complicado pois é 5 horas para "platinar" e custa 60.

I was really interested in playing Liberated when I saw it. Fantastic visual style and a potentially interesting dystopian story. Unfortunately for me, this was a definite dud.
First, the gameplay was a standard 2.5D action platformer with nothing to talk about, to be honest. Levels were boring, nothing that stood out, the enemies were guys with masks or law enforcement with some flying droids sprinkled in to remind you this is in the future. The game also has some light puzzle solving, but I don't remember any of them, so none stood out.
I thought the story had potential, but it was the exact opposite. It’s the cliche: the government did something terrible and covered it up, so they can put laws that spy on you. While you can make a story cliche and intriguing, this was not the case for me. The characters have no development, they have a name, a trait (not necessary though), and that’s it. The ending was a bit interesting, so, I give them credit for that. You have some choices in the first chapter on how to act, that do nothing, as far as I saw, and some QTEs that actually do have some impact (1 in the 1st chapter to be exact).
The soundtrack was unremarkable, so I can’t talk about it, since I don’t even remember it. The voice acting was so-so in my opinion, though it’s an indy game, so I can’t be mad if the voice acting isn’t phenomenal.
All in all the game had potential. The style and the narrative could have made the game fantastic, but for me, they fell flat on their ass on this one. I haven't played the DLC, so maybe that was better, but the game never made me want to play more. It’s 4 hours at most and goes frequently on sale, so if you are interested in the game, give it a shot. Maybe it will do more for you than it did for me.

Stylish comic book like 2.5D action.
Intriguing story about a not so far distopia future where anyone is monitored by the government and given social credit based on their actions.

Gameplay is basic but it works fine.

Graphically... Pretty poor but the black and white aesthetic helps covering some low quality characters and textures


Liberated on the Nintendo Switch assumes the form of an interactive comic book that uses a noir aesthetic and a very dystopian plot to put the player in the middle of a sombre, disquieting and genuinely frightening experience. Its technical issues and quick time events are the game's Achilles' Heel but the plot, visual outlook and accessibility, which even allows the player to treat it as if it was purely a comic book, make this a very interesting choice for Nintendo Switch owners.
👉 opencritic SUMMARY

With its noir aesthetic and unsettling premise, Liberated gets most things right and will appeal to those who enjoy a good interactive story. It's not without its flaws, namely some technical issues and less than enjoyable quick time events but overall, this is a very welcome arrival to the Nintendo Switch catalogue.
👉 metacritic SUMMARY

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◻️ ⚠️ Review originally written for FNintendo (defunct website) and published on June 8th, 2020. Full review is currently unavailable. Expect restored written piece translated into English.
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◻️ ✍️ in European Portuguese (Main body of text translated into English with A.I.)
◻️ 📜 Review Number 40

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F I N

An average comic with an average plot alternates with a 2.5D walker-shooter with nice animations.