Mar Heaven: Arm Fight Dream

Mar Heaven: Arm Fight Dream

released on Nov 03, 2005
by Konami

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Mar Heaven: Arm Fight Dream

released on Nov 03, 2005
by Konami

A Konami developed PlayStation 2 exclusive 2D fighting game that never left Japan.

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On one hand, I wish it left Japan, but on the other hand, I'm glad it didn't.
This game is an oddball. It has pretty scuffed graphics when compared to other games, but the presentation of many attacks with their effects, animations and camera angles, really sells it. The combat is jank, which is to be expected, some characters just are over the top compared to others.
It also incorporates a weird RNG mechanic where, before a batte, you decide your formation, so you will just randomly have to play as either 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 or lord knows what else.
Yeah it's a game for sure.