Mega Man X Dive Offline

Mega Man X Dive Offline

released on Sep 01, 2023
by Capcom

Mega Man X Dive Offline

released on Sep 01, 2023
by Capcom

A remaster of Mega Man X Dive

The newest entry in the hit action series Mega Man X makes its way to Steam and smartphones! Strengthen your characters and weapons with a variety of powerups to make them all your own. Then test them out in the side-scrolling action of "what-if" worlds in Mega Man X! This product is the offline version of Mega Man X DiVE. Online features such as Battle Mode, Co-op, Ranking, Guild, and Capsule are not included. Collaboration contents such as characters and stages from other Capcom franchises are not available in the game.

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Mega Man X with an MMO grind! The story's terrible and the text may as well have been machine translated, but the effort to preserve an online-only service game is appreciated and the degree of fanservice (the callback kind, not the titty kind—although I guess there's both) is stunningly comprehensive. With how long the story runs it gets pretty repetitive, but come on, man: you can play as the version of Mega Man from Legends with the dark armor he gets from being a jerk.

I knew I wouldn't like this game but It surpassed my expectations, yeah the art is good and the OST is enjoyable as ever, but we are talking about a mega man game with NO essence in any shape or form, with the addition of being a Gacha.

💀Back then it had online functions and was free, they have no interest in making a decent game or update on this franchise, such a shame but it is what it is, thanks for delivering trash, at this point Crapcom is beating a corpse instead of reanimating it.

Two of my favourite Capcom IPs, and game series of all time, have been basically relegated to the gacha dungeon. One of them is just an okay mobile approximation of its gameplay, while the other was neutered through various releases and came out as an overly simplified, microtransaction riddled nightmare that I've only not given a 2/10 AT BEST to on the basis that I refuse to play it. If we get a Dragon's Dogma, God Hand or Viewtiful Joe gacha, you'll find me on the fucking news.

So, I don't play gacha games. I've got plenty of reasons; mostly their monetisation, but there's others as well. Be it most of them being locked to mobile, the last place I even consider playing games, my will to rather spend a bajillion hours playing numerous other games, be they hour long platformers or hundred hour long JRPGs, and a general lack of interest. Would love to see the casts of HoYo's titles in video games I'd actually want to play, but alas. So a Mega Man X gacha wasn't exactly on my radar at all, beyond the cool artwork of the cast it was providing. But then the game's offline version hit Steam, I was able to get it for cheap in a bundle, and I figured, "What the hell, why not?" It's the closest we've got to a Mega Man game for the time being, I'll cut my loses since it's removed the monetisation trappings.

And good on the devs for providing an offline version at all; this should be standard across the genre! Preservation of mobile titles, both pre and post the introduction of the modern smartphone, is a minefield and a half; the day Fire Emblem Heroes or Genshin Impact shutter are going to be nightmares for the guys who spent their retirement funds rolling for their waifus. Every game deserves to be preserved for decades to come, and XDive Offline existing at all, especially being almost entirely feature complete (though bizarrely lacking the Street Fighter, Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry crossover items without mod support), is a win.

It's just too bad that the game's, well, as I said. An okay approximation of Mega Man, thats Steam release is still that of a game clearly shackled to mobile. Playing a Mega Man game with an auto lock-on removes a lot of the precision the series requires, and it ended up getting in the way a few times more than I was comfortable amidst my sessions with the title. Playing Mega Man and having auto targeting aim at the wrong enemy is as fun as it sounds. Beyond that, it's mostly standard Mega Man X fare; dashing and walljumping through more bite sized stages from the X series, as well as a few appearances from stages of the classic series and ZX titles. The OST's packed with some jams through the franchise, and it visually looks about what I'd expect a hypothetical HD X9 to look like, even if I'd prefer an HD sprite based artstyle if it were to exist.

Combined with its huge cast that gives an absolute truckload of fanservice to not just the X series, but Mega Man as a whole, with Classic, Zero, ZX, Legends and Battle Network's casts getting some time in the spotlight along with different armour types for X and Zero, the extended casts of the navigators, and even motherfucking Magma Dragoon, to name but a few? That's the kinda shit that makes me wish for an X9 to have a take on optional playable characters akin to the more recent 2D Mario and Sonic titles. Mega Man 11 was excellent, and I can let them off for not having Proto Man and Bass after 9 and 10; it was meant to be a return to form with its own ideas and focusing on Mega Man as the sole player character was the right way to go in that case. But I hope a hypothetical X9 would go further with the idea X8 had with having Alia, Layer and Palette as unlockables, Have them be reskins or with their own quirks, I don't care. This is great fanservice for a franchise I absolutely adore, and even though X9 would never have it to this level, I hope it's a precedent being set for anything going forward.

But all I've said so far sounds mostly positive! And that's why it sucks to say that Mega Man XDive is still a gacha game with the grindy nature of them intact, even without the microtransactions. The thing that just kills the game for me, is how insistent it is to just throw a huge "fuck off" progression blocker to bar you from further progress until your power level is high enough to do more than chip damage. The game can't even give you the awesome feeling of satisfaction you'd get from overcoming a boss without its weakness in a traditional Mega Man title, which XDive is still trying to be despite all its concessions to gacha and RPG mechanics. Most victories in those circumstances were met more with an, "Oh, thank god that's over. Now how long until I hit the next wall?"

And sure, the game isn't super egregiously stingy with its currency, but it's enough that every roadblock felt like more and more of a groaner. You purchase and upgrade a couple weapons and characters, going through the rigmarole of getting each individual currency in the process, you blast through a level or two, and then the game hits you with a stage thats recommended power level is a few thousand above yours, likely concluding with a boss you'll be chipping away at while they pummel you for a third of your HP per hit. Then it's a matter of if you have it in you to go back to the grind. While there's an admirable amount of content within XDive on all accounts, it's all in service of a game that's just okay to me, and only gets bogged down by the grind.

And that bites, cause even with my annoyances, I'd be able to say that XDive was a pretty okay time otherwise! Like I said, I don't play gacha, so I'm really only making up half the audience by being a Mega Man fan, and some issues I'll have are just inherent to a game's genre. Maybe I missed some vital info that could've improved my experience a thousandfold; I'd naturally have blind spots to genres I don't ever really play. Maybe my rating'll go up if I had it in me to pick the game up on an on-and-off basis, using it more as the bite sized time killer it was designed for, but that won't mitigate the biggest issue I had with the grinding. A damn shame, since there's merits to be found. If you dig, or can at least look past gacha stuff, and like Mega Man, there's no harm in giving it a go. But from my perspective, as it is now? It just makes me wish all this love and care of pure fanservice content were simply in a traditional, console X title.

I was addicted to this game like crazy

we got this instead of Mega Man X 9.

While I think it's absolutely fantastic that Capcom preserved the game after it ended, and the roster is incredible, legit activated the Mega Man neurons in my brain, it still suffers from the gacha issues of "this boss is intensely stronger than you so now you have to grind to get to his level". Tedium galore. It's definitely no substitute for the real deal, it's a great reminder of why I love the Mega Man franchise to begin with.