Mortal Sin

Mortal Sin

released on Mar 15, 2023

Mortal Sin

released on Mar 15, 2023

An Action-Horror Roguelike unlike any other where you must strategically dismember horrific monsters to survive. Discover powerful weapons and magic as you explore beautifully detailed and haunting environments which are randomly generated on every playthrough.

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• Game's strongest trait and really the meat of it is the combat; It's some of the crunchiest, juiciest melee combat I've ever seen in a first-person title!
• Excellent player feedback; large broadsword sweeps treat you with a delightful crunching as enemies get caught on your blade, and magic staves let loose with ice and fire as you spin them
• They're often simple labyrinths, but the procgen levels work as a great vehicle for the game's addictive core to happen. A recent update made the procgen significantly better and improved the visual variety greatly
• Run structure is also very simple, but the weapon and gameplay variety makes up for this. Staves, hammers, dual blades, shields and more, all with distinctly different feels Classes also have their own abilities ranging from time-stopping to dragon punches, and none feel the same
• Visual style is some real post-processing goodness that I admit had me skeptical from screenshots but looks wonderful in motion

A bit more repetitive than other roguelikes, but it's an excellent little game that uses its framework to do its one thing (first person melee) really, really well!

Ainda devo jogar bastante, mas impressões iniciais são:

direção de arte muito foda, combate bem legal e diversificado, muito replayability por conta das classes e da ordem diferente que voce pode fazer as fases. As quests de npc são meio parecidas com hades, q vc tem q fazer algo nas runs pros npcs no hub liberarem dialogo novo. Achei bem daora, com ctz irei voltar mais

Melting pot of a couple of things: most chiefly Berserk and Diablo (if it was first person), with dashes of Post Void as a topping. Very satisfying gameplay loop once you get the hang of it, although perhaps a bit too repetitive to binge for too long. Solid love letter to its inspirations, with a dev that clearly cares about making it a good game that can stand on its own (they rewrote the entire level generation system a week ago and it replaced a lot of the box-y room design with significantly more fitting aesthetic prefabs for the given biomes).

One of the most visually unique games you'll ever see with awesome, very responsive gameplay. Can become repetitive if you struggle with levels but it always feels nice to progress past those points.

you play as John Berserk from the hit manga, Berserk, if you microwaved your eyeballs first.

Pretty fun and stylish as hell, but kinda unbalanced and repetitive. Lit overall tho. Just don't forget to block!