You play a small green guy who needs to blow up eight towers, because their presence is somehow poisoning the water of planets which could potentially be ideal colonies. Unfortunately you need to get to the top of these towers to blow them up. You make your way up to the top of the tower via walkways around the outside of the towers. You need to jump over, kick, and run from various enemies in your journey to the top. Most vertical movement is achieved by jumping onto moving ledges at the right moment. The game was considered revolutionary in its time for its graphic technique. As the main character walked around the outside of the tower, the character was fixed in the middle of the screen while the tower itself rotated. This gave it a pseudo-3D effect. Towers are linked together via a voyage through the sea in your trusty MK.7 submarine. This plays out as a side-scrolling collect-'em-up in which bonus points can be obtained.

Also in series

Nebulus 2: Pogo a gogo
Nebulus 2: Pogo a gogo

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Dans la grand famille des jeux qui vous veulent du mal, Nebulus est une valeur sûre. Plutôt agréable graphiquement mais punitif à souhait, avec des pièges vicieux indétectables, et vous mettant la pression à chaque instant, c'est un vrai jeu à traquenards. Votre objectif, gravir 8 tours ; celui du jeu, vous faire dégringoler et boire le bouillon par tous les moyens. Nebulus s'adresse à un public particulier : des joueurs issus d'une autre époque, sensibles aux jeux d'arcade, aguerris aux défis parfois insensés proposés par les développeurs, humbles devant la fatalité ou oeuvrant à le devenir, persévérants, revenchards, et un peu teigneux sur les bords. C'est le type de jeu profondément gratifiant quand on en parvient à bout : car cette victoire est, au final, avant tout une victoire sur soi-même dû à la maîtrise nécessaire pour ne pas réduire en miettes clavier, manette, etc. Pour les autres, Nebulus semblera un jeu développé par des sadiques à destination d'un public de masochistes.

The visuals here are incredibly unique for the time and worthy of praise. The platforming and shooter are average at best.

Nothing will ever convince me that this game isn't garbage. Even if the game has nice looking graphics and catchy music, that doesn't really mean much if the gameplay sucks. The game just isn't fun to play. It constantly punishes you for doing nothing. You want to walk on this platform? Sorry, it's a trap platform that looks the same as all the other ones and now you're falling down. You want to take time to think about how to progress through the level? Sorry, we're going to have these random spinning things fly towards you and knock you further down. It's a frustrating game made even worse by its awful controls. It's hard to know how bad they are without playing the game yourself, but they're bad enough to the point where it's sometimes difficult just to stand still. So, that should give you an idea of how bad they are. I don't care if this is considered a classic. This is hands down one of the worst games I've ever played.

Beautiful and fluid version on the CPC ! Hard as hell, tho !