Nuclear Throne

Nuclear Throne

released on Dec 05, 2015

Nuclear Throne

released on Dec 05, 2015

Nuclear Throne is an action roguelike-like by Vlambeer about mutants fighting their way through a post-apocalyptic world. The radioactive waste in the world allows mutants to get ahead by mutating new limbs on the fly, the abundant availability of powerful weaponry make the quest to become ruler of the Wasteland one fraught with peril.

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Fun and cool and rad and I loved it

Incredibly solid fast-paced roguelike.

Средненький рогалик с не особо высокой реиграбельностью, довольно быстро контент кончается и больше одного - двух раз желания проходить нет. Даже метапрогрессии как таковой не существует, просто открываешь персонажей и короны на них

one of the most fun roguelikes ever made even though the fps is locked to 30

+ I usually like roguelite top-down shooters and this one isn't terrible I suppose

± I expected a Binding of Isaac or Gungeon clone but it plays more like the free game Relic Hunters Zero

- Lacking in a few areas: it could use more enemy/area variety, the progression isn't fun or interesting enough, and the high difficulty leans too much on quick reflexes