Pri Pri: Primitive Princess!

Pri Pri: Primitive Princess!

released on Dec 12, 1990

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Pri Pri: Primitive Princess!

released on Dec 12, 1990

This is an action puzzle game where you control a caveman climbing a tower. The tower is filled wit monsters and traps. Sometimes, what appears to be a solid piece of flooring as actually a hole, so stepping on it will cause you to fall. Monsters can be defeating by pounding your hammer on the floor tile above them, causing it to fall and crush them. The same process can be used to enter rooms that cannot be accessed any other way. The hammer can also be used to make floor tiles appear in order to cross a gap. However, the hammer has a limited number of uses, so you must be careful to use it correctly. In order to access the next floor, you must collect a crystal, which causes a ladder to appear.

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