
released on Dec 01, 1990

A port of RoboCop

RoboCop is a beat 'em up action game.

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RoboCop for the Game Boy is a side-scrolling action platformer that tries to capture the gritty atmosphere of the film. You play as the titular cyborg cop, blasting your way through crime-ridden streets and battling familiar foes. While the graphics are surprisingly detailed for the Game Boy, the gameplay is fairly straightforward and the controls can feel stiff. It's a decent distraction for RoboCop fans, but it lacks the depth and lasting appeal of other action titles on the system.

On a vu pire jeu à licence sur Game Boy. Aussi basique soit-il, le jeu est plutôt soigné, y'a quelques mini-jeux rigolos qui amènent de la variété et les musiques sont vraiment cools.

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better than RoboCop 2 (which i had as a kid). game is pretty fun, but the difficulty ramps up outta nowhere during the 2nd level. the soundtrack is full of bangers tho.

leaving this review here to say that this has one of the best theme songs in any video game

(Game Boy version)
Honestly way more fun than the NES game. More interesting level design, harder enemies, but easier to avoid thanks to the jump. Also the little mini games that represent specific bits from the movie were neat.